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The Shaykhash, or "Reverend" as the term means, are the only Somal of the mountains not derived from Dir and Darud. Claiming descent from the Caliph Abubakr, they assert that ten generations ago, one Ao Khutab bin Fakih Umar crossed over from El Hejaz, and settled in Eastern Africa with his six sons, Umar the greater, Umar the less, two Abdillahs, Ahmed, and lastly Siddik.

Looking upon the forlorn little creatures, who are often brought into the Chicago juvenile court to testify against their own relatives, one is seized with that curious compunction Goethe expressed in the now hackneyed line from "Mignon:" "Was hat Man dir, du armes Kind, gethan?"

The adventurers had advanced about half way, when they arrived at a little village, called Kief, upon the banks of the Dnieper. The location of the city was so beautiful, upon a commanding bluff, at the head of the navigation of this majestic stream, and the region around seemed so attractive, that the Norman adventurers, Ascolod and Dir by name, decided to remain there.

He alone understands how to beg, and so betimes, when he is hardly out of his boyhood, he becomes a high priest of that hidden mystery which Goethe brings to light. Uber's Niederträchtige Niemand sich beklage: Denn es ist das Machtige Was man dir auch sage: it is no use to complain of low aims; for, whatever people may say, they rule the world.

He was fond, says Liebknecht, of quoting as his motto the defiant line of Dante, with which he afterwards concluded his preface to 'Das Kapital': 'Segui il tuo corso e lascia dir le genti." It is to Marx's everlasting credit that he set the intellectual standard of socialism on the most vigorous intellectual basis he could find.

I hear the captain's harsh shout. "To the left!" Red lights appear in front, and suddenly among the uproar is heard the whistling, not of the Dir, but of some other steamer.... Now I understand it: there is going to be a collision!

The two Russian kingdoms, that of Rurik in the north, and that of Ascolod and Dir on the Dnieper, rapidly extended as these enterprising kings, by arms, subjected adjacent nations to their sway. Rurik remained upon the throne fifteen years, and then died, surrendering his crown to his son Igor, still a child. A relative, Oleg, was intrusted with the regency, during the minority of the boy king.

Four principal khans exercise an authority which varies locally, from absolute dominion to a shadowy suzerainty, over the whole region. The Khan of Dir, the most important, is a Government nominee. He is supported by the British influence, and is, as I have already noticed, entrusted with the raising of Levies to protect and keep in repair the Chitral road.

"Eh, but yo're young to be getten drunk an' such like, but yo' won't do it again, will yo'?" "Noa," sez I, "I wouldn't if she'd not but stop they mill-wheels clatterin'." 'Faith, it's a good thing to be nursed by a woman when you're sick! said Mulvaney. 'Dir' cheap at the price av twenty broken heads. Ortheris turned to frown across the valley. He had not been nursed by many women in his life.

A minute later he was staring disconsolately at a group of his fellows just in front of Dir of Rutford's side door. An impulse seized him to turn and flee. What would Uncle John say to that? So he advanced. The boys made way politely, asking no questions. As he passed through he caught a few eager words. "I was hoping that the brute had gone. It is a sickener, and no mistake!"