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He wrote that night to the Resident at Kohara, on the chance that he might be able to throw some light upon the problem. "Have you heard anything of a melon and a bag of grain?" he wrote. "It seems an absurd question, but please make inquiries. Find out what it all means." The messenger carried the letter over the Malakand Pass and up the road by Dir, and in due time an answer was returned.

Upon the death of Rurik in 879, his younger brother Oleg succeeded him as regent during the minority of his son Igor; and when two more Varangian brothers Askold and Dir in the same manner except that they were not invited took possession of Kief on the Dnieper and set up a rival principality in the South with ambitious designs upon Byzantium, Oleg promptly had them assassinated, added their territory to the dominion of Igor, and removed the capital from Novgorod to Kief saying, "Let Kief be the mother of Russian cities!"

A force of nearly 16,000 men crossed the frontier on the 1st April, from Mardan, to advance to the relief by the shortest route the route through Swat and Dir the line of the present Chitral road. The command of the expedition was confided to Sir Robert Low. Sir Bindon Blood was Chief of the Staff.

In that time the seething ocean was flooded with light. It was not until nothing remained of the Bismarck but a dancing mist of light that its band came on deck and played. On the Roland they caught two or three trembling, fading measures of the national hymn, Heil dir im Siegerkranz. Within a few moments the Roland was again alone on the ocean, in the night, the tempest, and the snowstorm.

The steamer starts, the devils give a creak.... "A-va-va!" shouts the captain; at the bows a bell is rung, on the black deck there are sounds of running, knocking, cries of anxiety.... The Dir starts once more, puffs painfully, and apparently tries to move backwards. "What is it?" I ask, and feel something like a faint terror. There is no answer. "He'd like a collision, the devil's doll!"

How Kelly, with his gallant regiment, the 32nd Pioneers, pushed on from the north, overcoming stupendous difficulties; how a strong force of levies under the Khan of Dir was thrust on from the south; how Aylmer, the brave and resourceful Sapper, working night and day threw a suspension bridge of telegraph wire across the Panjkora; how Sir Robert Low, crossing with his whole force, fought a decisive and conclusive battle at Mundah; and how thus, by a fine strategic combination, worked from widely divergent bases, Sir George White effected in the course of seventeen days the relief of the sore beset garrison of Chitral, are recorded amongst the many and sterling achievements of the army of India.

The sound of voices came from the red windows behind them. Then the soloist began to sing again. His second ballad was the Erl King: Du liebes Kind, komm' geh' mit mir! Gar schoene Spiele spiel' ich mit dir. "Any news of John Storm?" said Drake. "Not that I know of." "I wonder if you would like him to come out again now?" "I wonder!"

As it had been to the Avars, and later to the Russians under Askold and Dir, it would be now to Mahommed and his ferocious hordes all Heaven would arm to punish them. They would not dare look at the picture twice, or if they did well, there are many modes of death, and it will be for the dear Mother to choose. Thus the women argued.

The last act has an instrumental prelude foreshadowing the Hunters' Chorus. Then the bridesmaids sing their lively chorus, "Wir winden dir den Jungfern-Kranz," so well known by its English title, "A rosy Crown we twine for Thee." The pretty little number is followed by the Hunters' Chorus, "Was gleicht wohl auf Erden dem Jägervergnügen," which is a universal favorite.

"Bori" in Southern Arabia popularly means a water-pipe: here it is used for tobacco. "Goban" is the low maritime plain lying below the "Bor" or Ghauts, and opposed to Ogu, the table-land above. "Ban" is an elevated grassy prairie, where few trees grow; "Dir," a small jungle, called Haija by the Arabs; and Khain is a forest or thick bush.