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Wer bist du, und was fehlt dir! I read all day, right straight along, and all night, now that it is not too hot. I have always done my reading by periods I read our nineteenth-century poets that way, sixteen hours a day; I read Shakespeare in three weeks that way, and finished the month with Milton. So when I got German, I read Goethe and Schiller, and Moliere and Hugo again.

Under his rule the Russian dominions rapidly and widely increased. At an earlier date two Varangians, Askhold and Dir by name, had made their way far to the south, where they became masters of the city of Kief. They even dared to attack Constantinople, but were driven back from that great stronghold of the South.

You have saved her; you have saved me; it is life you bring a new life, Franz," and smiling upon him, her cheeks still wet with tears, she softly sang Tristan's phrase to Kurvenal: "Holder! Treuer! wie soll dir Tristan danken!" Her joy, her ecstasy of gratitude, shone upon him. She was the tutelary goddess of his family.

Oskold and Dir, two princes of Kieff and the companions of Ruric, were the first of the Russians who embraced Christianity. In the year 866 they made their appearance in armed vessels before the walls of Constantinople when the Emperor was absent, and threw the Greek capital into no little alarm and confusion.

Heil dir, leuchtender Tag!" The "Heil" was like a clarion note ringing through space; like the sound of an echo through mountain passes. The audience listened and gazed as under a spell; the orchestra played as it had never played before; the baton waved. Siegfried sang to her and she responded; their voices rising and mingling together, every note a glory.

These battleships had 13" armor, eight 15" guns each, and a speed of 25 knots. They were the most powerful ships afloat. From Jane, Fighting Ships, 1918 Normal displacement, 26,350 tons. Full load, 29,700. Beam, 88-1/2, feet. Mean draught, 27-2/3 feet. Max. draught, 31-2/3 feet. Length over all, 700 feet. Length, p. p., 660 feet. Dir. Con. In speed, Beatty had a marked advantage.

The Dir puffs, trembles, and does not move, as though waiting for a signal to go down.... But just when I think all is lost, the red lights appear on the left of us, and the dark silhouette of a steamer can be discerned.... A long black body sails past us, guiltily blinks its red eyes, and gives a guilty whistle.... "Oof! What steamer is it?" I ask the captain.

I avail myself of this halt to touch, albeit with no little trepidation, the tangled and obscure subject of tribal politics in Dir and Bajaur. All the people, incited by their priests, are bitterly hostile to the British Government, except those benefited by the subsidies paid. They were now anxious to fight, and were only restrained by a fear which fury or fanaticism might at any moment overcome.

We are all healthy, and I believe are about as well disposed as most families to live by our own personal exertions. Yours very respectfully, Verbatim Letter. BOSTON MASS. Feb. 23 1844. Mr. Ripley DIR SIR I was requsted to pit the following on paper for the consideration of your society. R. H. wife and four children the oldest ten the youngest thre the two eldest boys, the two youngest girles.

He had travelled thence for a few hundred yards along a straight strip of road running over level ground, and so with the levies of Dir to escort him he swung round to the left. A screen of hillside and grey rock moved across the face of the country behind him. The last outpost was left behind.