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With that, he made a polite bow; and, with another to Miss Dartle, went away through the arch in the wall of holly by which he had come. Miss Dartle and I regarded each other for a little while in silence; her manner being exactly what it was, when she had produced the man.

Steerforth might not be induced to look behind her, and read, plainly written, what she was not yet prepared to know, I met her look quickly; but I had seen Rosa Dartle throw her hands up in the air with vehemence of despair and horror, and then clasp them on her face. The handsome lady so like, oh so like! regarded me with a fixed look, and put her hand to her forehead.

Dombey and with Miss Dartle in "David Copperfield," and Miss Wade in "Little Dorrit" female characters of a fantastic and haughty type, and quite devoid, Miss Dartle and Miss Wade especially, of either verisimilitude or the milk of human kindness. "Great Expectations" was completed in August, 1861, and the first number of "Our Mutual Friend" appeared in May, 1864.

He remained calm and silent, with his eyes fixed on the ground, and the tip of every finger of his right hand delicately poised against the tip of every finger of his left. Miss Dartle turned her head disdainfully towards him. 'I beg your pardon, miss, he said, awakening from his abstraction, 'but, however submissive to you, I have my position, though a servant. Mr.

Why, of course it would. Exactly. Now, I am glad I have been so foolish as to put the case, for it is so very good to know that your duty to each other would prevent it! Thank you very much. One other little circumstance connected with Miss Dartle I must not omit; for I had reason to remember it thereafter, when all the irremediable past was rendered plain.

Steerforth's house, who is very clever, and whom I like to talk to Miss Dartle but I don't adore her.

Here we stopped, breathless with our ascent, and she placed her hand lightly on my lips. I could only see, of the room beyond, that it was pretty large; that there was a bed in it; and that there were some common pictures of ships upon the walls. I could not see Miss Dartle, or the person whom we had heard her address. Certainly, my companion could not, for my position was the best.

No more than you could charm me by your smiles, you purchased slave. 'Oh, have some mercy on me! cried Emily. 'Show me some compassion, or I shall die mad! 'It would be no great penance, said Rosa Dartle, 'for your crimes. Do you know what you have done? Do you ever think of the home you have laid waste?

The girl anxiously replied that her mistress was very seldom out now, even in a carriage; that she kept her room; that she saw no company, but would see me. Her mistress was up, she said, and Miss Dartle was with her. What message should she take upstairs? Its former pleasant air of occupation was gone, and the shutters were half closed. The harp had not been used for many and many a day.

She was introduced as Miss Dartle, and both Steerforth and his mother called her Rosa. I found that she lived there, and had been for a long time Mrs. Steerforth's companion. It appeared to me that she never said anything she wanted to say, outright; but hinted it, and made a great deal more of it by this practice. For example, when Mrs.