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Steerforth observed, more in jest than earnest, that she feared her son led but a wild life at college, Miss Dartle put in thus: 'Oh, really? You know how ignorant I am, and that I only ask for information, but isn't it always so? I thought that kind of life was on all hands understood to be eh? 'It is education for a very grave profession, if you mean that, Rosa, Mrs.

All this time, the figure was unchanged, and looked unchangeable. Motionless, rigid, staring; moaning in the same dumb way from time to time, with the same helpless motion of the head; but giving no other sign of life. Miss Dartle suddenly kneeled down before it, and began to loosen the dress. 'A curse upon you! she said, looking round at me, with a mingled expression of rage and grief.

Her own views of every question, and her correction of everything that was said to which she was opposed, Miss Dartle insinuated in the same way: sometimes, I could not conceal from myself, with great power, though in contradiction even of Steerforth. An instance happened before dinner was done. Mrs.

She was the motherless child of a sort of cousin of my father's. He died one day. My mother, who was then a widow, brought her here to be company to her. She has a couple of thousand pounds of her own, and saves the interest of it every year, to add to the principal. There's the history of Miss Rosa Dartle for you. 'And I have no doubt she loves you like a brother? said I.

'This is a fellow, she said, 'to champion and bring here, is he not? You are a true man! 'Miss Dartle, I returned, 'you are surely not so unjust as to condemn ME! 'Why do you bring division between these two mad creatures? she returned. 'Don't you know that they are both mad with their own self-will and pride? 'Is it my doing? I returned. 'Is it your doing! she retorted.

'And that, said Rosa Dartle, 'is so strong a claim, preferred by one so infamous, that if I had any feeling in my breast but scorn and abhorrence of you, it would freeze it up. Our sex! You are an honour to our sex! 'I have deserved this, said Emily, 'but it's dreadful! Dear, dear lady, think what I have suffered, and how I am fallen! Oh, Martha, come back! Oh, home, home!

I have known him, on reading something in the newspaper that might apply to her, take up his stick, and go forth on a journey of three or four-score miles. He made his way by sea to Naples, and back, after hearing the narrative to which Miss Dartle had assisted me.

From him, she said, with a laugh. 'If she is not found, perhaps she never will be found. She may be dead! The vaunting cruelty with which she met my glance, I never saw expressed in any other face that ever I have seen. 'To wish her dead, said I, 'may be the kindest wish that one of her own sex could bestow upon her. I am glad that time has softened you so much, Miss Dartle.

The conductor of a penny journal, not unconnected with literary tit-bits, honoured me with a triple interrogatory. This professional Rosa Dartle wanted to know The conditions under which you write your novels. How you get your plots and characters. How you find your titles. I was very busy. I was very modest.

She murmured, however, even in her reception of me, that she was out of her own chamber because its aspect was unsuited to her infirmity; and with her stately look repelled the least suspicion of the truth. At her chair, as usual, was Rosa Dartle. From the first moment of her dark eyes resting on me, I saw she knew I was the bearer of evil tidings. The scar sprung into view that instant.