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Reverses of this kind did not depress him; he had experienced many failures, but the wreck of one enterprise only implied the necessity of starting another. 'Say, he said mysteriously, 'there's a big reason why we should keep things darker'n ever. Listen. We've struck the reef! The others stared incredulously. 'You're havin' us, said Jacker. 'Am I? Tell 'em, Billy.

"Lard no, mah love, commissary-book him feeneesh already befo' las' week." "Is he a Jamaican?" "No, him a Mont-rat, mahster." "What color is he?" "Te! He! Wha' fo' yo as' all dem questions, mahster?" "For instance." "Oh, him jes' a pitch darker'n me." "How old is he?" "Well, about how old?" "Oh, him a ripe man, mah love, him a prime man." "Is he older than you?" "Oh, yes, him older 'n me."

Considering that his acquaintance with the village had been so decidedly limited, Albert was somewhat puzzled how to reply. His grandfather saved him the trouble. "Lord sakes, Rachel," he declared, "he ain't seen more'n three square foot of it yet. It's darker'n the inside of a nigger's undershirt outdoors to-night. Well, Al Albert, I mean, how are you on mackerel?

The Judge's horse was a new one, not used to the roads, Ezra's near-sighted, and I couldn't use my glasses 'count of the rain. Let alone that, 'twas darker'n the fore-hold of Noah's ark. Ho, ho! Sometimes we was in the ruts and sometimes we was in the bushes. I told Ez we'd ought to have fetched along a dipsy lead, then maybe we could get our bearin's by soundin's.

Now, my mother used to have a dress," he continued, meeting Persis' sympathetic gaze, "that suited me down to the ground. Satin, it was, or maybe 'twas silk or velvet. Anyhow, it looked rich. And it was sort of silvery, and then again, darker'n silver and sort of ripply and shiny " "Robert ain't very well posted on names," said Robert's wife with deadly calm.

Then his feet got tangled up in the cinch of his saddle, which he had kicked before him, and after great labor he arose, muttering savagely, and continued on his wobbly way. "Goo' Lord, it's darker'n cats in oof!" he grunted, recoiling from forcible contact with the fence he sought.

About ten o'clock Blinky went to the corral, saddled a horse, and led him back to the tent. There they put on the blanket and saddlebags. Blinky produced a gun he could spare, and then thoughtfully added a small bag of grain for the horse. "It's darker'n the milltail of Hades," announced Blinky, "an' thet's good fer this kind of work. I'll go ahaid, pickin' out the way, an' you lead the hoss."

He was in a fitful slumber when Mrs. Baker called her husband to supper. The meal was anything but a cheerful one. They talked but little. Over the home, ordinarily so cheerful, had settled a gloom that weighed upon them. "My! my!" sighed Captain Hiram, "how lonesome it seems without him chatterin' and racketin' sound. Seems darker'n usual, as if there was a shadow on the place."