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For that particular form of mental trouble an eminent physician recommends unlimited Hors d'oeuvre, Lobster a l'americane, Chicken Newberg, and Peche Melba! Let's go and get them!" "Tuppence, old girl, what has really come over you?" "Oh, unbelieving one!" Tuppence wrenched open her bag. "Look here, and here, and here!" "Great Jehosaphat! My dear girl, don't wave Fishers aloft like that!"

"I try to write upon you," wrote Mr. Gladstone; "wholly despair of satisfying myself cannot quite tell whether to persevere or desist." Mr. Pater let me know that he was writing on it for the Guardian. "It is a chef d'oeuvre after its kind, and justifies the care you have devoted to it."

Among his chefs d'oeuvre are a 'Lady holding a Glass of Wine and receiving an Officer, in the Louvre; and a 'Girl writing, a Gentleman leaning on her chair and another girl opposite playing the Lute, in the Hague Gallery. The fine 'Duet, and the 'Music Lesson' are both in the National Gallery. Gerard Terburg was born at Zwol, in 1608, and died in 1681. He visited Germany and Italy in his youth.

The west front of the church faces the Rue Oblin, which we will take, as it leads to the Halle au Blé, a fine extensive circular building, with a noble dome, it is built on the site of the Hôtel de Soissons, erected for Catherine de Médicis, in 1572, which in 1748 was demolished, and the present Halle constructed in 1763; the roof has a round skylight, 31 feet in diameter, and from the system adopted in its formation, it is considered by connaiseurs a chef d'oeuvre in the art of building.

I wanted to get some amusement out of the interval, and proposed an ablution, which made Annette laugh and which Veronique pronounced to be absolutely necessary. I found it a delicious hors d'oeuvre to the banquet I had enjoyed. The two sisters rendered each other various services, standing in the most lascivious postures, and I found my situation as looker-on an enviable one.

Of this last I may truly say, with Hawthorne, "It is of no use to throw heaps of words upon her, for they all fall away, and leave her standing in chaste and naked grace, as untouched as when I began." It is very, very beautiful, but not to be compared with that perfect chef d'oeuvre of sculpture, the Venus of the Capitol, of which it is supposed to have been a copy.

I shall get £200 from the theatre if "Mr. H." has a good run, and I hope £100 for the copyright. Nothing if it fails; and there never was a more ticklish thing. The whole depends on the manner in which the name is brought out, which I value myself on, as a chef d'oeuvre. How the paper grows less and less!

His grand chefs d'oeuvre of oratory soul stirring appeals, in the name of all that was sacred in honor and religion, for his hypocritical and corrupt purposes, were lifted in noble structures of eloquence before the people, till it seemed as if the lavishness of his genius and labor could only be explained by the desire of challenging the other great orator of the race.

"Que voulez-vous, Monsieur, c'est l'armistice." "The greatest fake about all this war business is the peace. I tell you, not till the hors d'oeuvre has been restored to its proper abundance and variety will I admit that the war's over." The waitress tittered. "Things aren't what they used to be," she said, going back to the kitchen.

Indeed, it may be said that religion is the chef d'oeuvre of the art of training, because it trains people in the way they shall think: and, as is well known, you cannot begin the process too early.