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A microscope magnifying 400 diameters was a chef d'oeuvre of the opticians of that day; and, at the same time, by no means trustworthy. But a magnifying power of 400 diameters, even when definition reaches the exquisite perfection of our modern achromatic lenses, hardly suffices for the mere discernment of the smallest forms of life.

The superior merit of CLAUDE in landscape-painting is too well known to need any eulogium, The three preceding are the finest of his pictures in this collection. However, at Rome, and in England, there are some more perfect than those in the CENTRAL MUSEUM. One of his chefs d'oeuvre, formerly at Rome, is now at Naples, in the Gallery of Prince Colonna. N deg. 54.

We stood before the "Turkeys," and seriously we wondered if "it was serious work," that chef d'oeuvre! the high grass that the turkeys are gobbling is flooded with sunlight so swift and intense that for a moment the illusion is complete. "Just look at the house! why, the turkeys couldn't walk in at the door. The perspective is all wrong."

Small, completing, the circle to Swithin again. Family dinners of the Forsytes observe certain traditions. There are, for instance, no hors d'oeuvre. The reason for this is unknown.

This picture, commonly distinguished by the appellation of the St. Jerome of CORREGGIO, is undoubtedly his chef d'oeuvre. In the year 1749, the king of Portugal is said to have offered for it a sum equal in value to L18,000 sterling. N deg. 756. Catherine. This last-mentioned picture has just been engraved in an excellent manner by an Italian artist, M. ROSA-SPINA.

"Germane soup, sir; filly de sole; sweetbread; cutlet soubees, rum souffly." "Tell her to give me a hors d'oeuvre, and put on a savoury." "Yes, sir." When the man had gone, he thought: 'I should have liked an oyster too late now! and going over to his bureau, he fumblingly pulled out the top drawer.

On crossing the bridge, the dark façade of the palace comes in view, with its balustraded terrace; the carvings around the main entrance are in that old, exaggerated German rococo which I have seen before and have admired in the palace in Dresden. This kind of barbaric taste has something charming about it, and entertains the eye, satiated with chefs d'oeuvre.

Oh, what precious things were said and looked at those banquets of the soul! There epicurism was in the lip as well as the palate, and one had humour for a hors d'oeuvre and repartee for an entremet. One's intellectual appetite, like the physical, is coarse but dull. At dinner one is fit only for eating; after dinner only for politics. But supper was a glorious relic of the ancients.

The works of Rubens are particularly numerous, but I should not say they were the chefs d'oeuvre of that great artist, the women are so fat and totally devoid of grace; I have seen several of his pictures in the great Collection at Vienna which I like much better.

He studied murder as a fine art, and was as skilful in private assassinations as Cellini was in engraving on gems. The secret execution of Montigny, never brought to light until the present century, was a veritable chef d'oeuvre of this sort. The cases of Escobedo and Antonio Perez may also be cited in point.