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Updated: December 25, 2024
Thus, Titian is not soft enough for the sensualist, Correggio suits him better; Titian is not defined enough for the formalist, Leonardo suits him better; Titian is not pure enough for the religionist, Raphael suits him better; Titian is not polite enough for the man of the world, Vandyke suits him better; Titian is not forcible enough for the lovers of the picturesque, Rembrandt suits him better.
Correggio struck thirteen because he was himself, and was to a great degree even ignorant and indifferent to what the world was doing. He was filled with the joy of life; and with no furtive eye on the future, and no distracting fears concerning the present, he did his work and did it the best he could.
The merit of the Carracci lay in their power of execution, and in a certain 'bold naturalism, or rather animalism, which they added to their able imitations, for their pictures are not so much their own, as 'After Titian, 'After Correggio, etc. In this intent regard to style, and this perfecting of means to an end, thought and in a manner neglected.
After a day's consideration, I submitted to the restrictions, by my wife's advice, and saved the nuns the trouble of making application for a copier of Correggio in any other quarter. I found the convent was charmingly situated in a quiet little valley in the West of England.
Three days after his arrival, Borso da Correggio, a young nephew of Niccolo, who had travelled to Pavia with the duke, sent the following note to give his cousin Isabella the latest news of her family: "We arrived on the 25th at Pavia, and were received by these excellent lords and ladies with the usual formalities.
This was the widowed mother of Niccolo da Correggio, that once beautiful and charming Beatrice, who had been known in her youth as the Queen of Festivals, and who for many years had been a staunch friend of the Moro, and had long occupied rooms in the Castello.
White Pigeon told me this after I had drunk five cups of tea and the Anglaise and the Soubrette were doing the dishes. Peachblow the while was petulantly taking the color out of a canvas that was a false alarm. White Pigeon had copied a Correggio in the Louvre nine years before, and sold the canvas to a rich wagon-maker from South Bend.
They all boast special excellences, but the Prado collection contains pictures by certain masters, Titian, Rubens, Correggio, and others, that cannot be seen elsewhere. Setting aside Velasquez and the Spanish school, not in Venice, Florence, or London are there Titians of such quality and in such quantity as in Madrid.
It is not that Browning went on writing after he had completed his thought, for the burst of beauty is as likely to come at the end as at the beginning, but that his thought had to unwind itself like web from a spider. He could not command it. He could only unwind and unwind. Pan and Luna is a sketch, as luminous as a Correggio, but not finished.
Thus, those who cannot bring themselves to accept the more austere definition of the term are willing to recognize as significant certain qualities which are not purely formal. They will recognize, for instance, the tragedy of Michael Angelo, the gaiety of Fra Angelico, the lyricism of Correggio, the gravity of Poussin, and the romance of Giorgione.
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