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He had been tempted to explain how the great out-of-doors called to him with an insistence which was irresistible, but shucks, she wouldn't understand. How was he to know that under the surface of it all, she sympathized with the culprit daydreamer exceedingly? So he hung his head in silence. There was a knock at the door. Miss Brown dismissed him with a curt nod.

Incidentally, quite incidentally, you understand, he is waiting to be asked to help you out in that mining deal." "Fetch him," was the curt command; and Mr. Colbrith sat down to wade resignedly through the mass of delayed wire correspondence.

But the voice called again, "Peal!" and his friend, the commercial traveller, stood before him, looking at him searchingly, and yet with an expression of shy kindliness. "Dear old Peal, it is you!" he said. Mr. Jubal felt that a demon was taking possession of him; he opened his mouth so wide that he showed all his teeth, and bellowed a curt "No!"

"For the rose-colored satin," he returned, complacently. "It is so very becoming. You look like a sultana, my dear Theodora." Theo looked up at him for a second, and then looked down. Much as she admired Mr. Denis Oglethorpe, she never quite comprehended him. He had such an eccentric fashion of being almost curt sometimes.

"Name's Nina." Braith went quietly out again. Passing blindly down the lobby, he ran against Mr Bulfinch. Mr Bulfinch was in charge of a policeman. "Hello, Braith!" he called, hilariously. Braith was going on with a curt nod when the other man added: "I've taken it out of Pick," and he stopped short.

The latter greeted his father with a curt good-morning, and, taking an envelope from his pocket, said: "It may interest you to look through this." James read as follows: '309D, SLOANE STREET, May 15, 'The construction of your house being now completed, my duties as architect have come to an end.

With a spirit-level he ascertained that the floor was absolutely horizontal; next he arranged the two pieces of wood, from each of which a segment is cut so as to form the lunette into which the victim's neck is thrust; then he tested the lever, to make sure that it worked freely, and gave a curt order. "The knife!"

Womanly decorum would have suggested Marguerite should return coldness for coldness, and should sweep past him without another word, only with a curt nod of her head: but womanly instinct suggested that she should remain that keen instinct, which makes a beautiful woman conscious of her powers long to bring to her knees the one man who pays her no homage. She stretched out her hand to him.

"This is your family, is it not?" "Yes," he said in a queer curt tone she had never heard him use. "She is very pretty, isn't she?" "Yes. They are spending the summer at an aunt's." "What a darling little boy!" she said. Soon after she left, thinking, "I wonder why she is away from him? It isn't a happy reason, I'm sure. . . . I wouldn't stay away from him."

Before the door was fairly shut behind her offended relation, Cicily took the war into the enemy's camp by a curt question: "Now, Charles, why do you cut wages?" "Because I have to," was the prompt response. "And why didn't you tell me?" "Tell you? Nonsense!" The man's tone was expressive of extreme annoyance.