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Varick, sitting stiffly on the old marble bench, became conscious of an odd dizziness, and set his teeth with a sudden determination to show no evidence of it. She had risen and was moving about among the rose-bushes just behind them. Almost before he missed her she had returned, holding in her hand a beautiful salmon-hued rose, with a flame-colored, crumply heart.

Fortunately, however, before seeing the bear, we halted long enough to secure the knife-blade again on the end of 'Old Crumply'; and it was well that we did this, for, when we arrived at the broken wall where the bears had made their way out, much to our surprise, we came right upon the other bear, close up to the mouth of the hut, busy swallowing a duck.

Directly he fell over; and, in a little while afterwards, we went up to him, and found him dead, having bled to death from the wound I had given him. "You may easily imagine how rejoiced we were; for now we had an enormous supply of food, and a fine bear-skin besides; so I lost no time in unlashing the knife-blade from the end of 'Old Crumply, and with this we began to butcher him.

Before the seal was struck, and while I was watching for him, the Dean had quietly tied the end of the line that was not fast to the harpoon around the middle of 'Old Crumply, and when the seal descended into the sea, 'Old Crumply' was whipped along over the snow until it lodged right across the hole, and there the seal was, 'brought up with a round turn, as the sailors say.

"The screams of the bear were now pitiful to hear, and in very desperation he once more tried the window, when the Dean quickly gave him a crack with 'Old Crumply, which sent him back again. "Grown now utterly reckless, he bolted right through the door. I was ready for him, standing on the top of the passageway and on the stone to which the harpoon line was made fast.

"We had left 'Old Crumply' and 'Dean's Delight' where we captured the seal, intending to go for them the next day; and, having no weapon of any kind, we were in the greatest terror, expecting every moment to hear the bear coming to tear the hut down, and drag us out, and eat us up. "But, finding that we were not disturbed, we at length fell asleep.

As soon as I saw that this was secure, and that the Dean was holding on bravely, I unfastened the line from 'Old Crumply, and, when the seal came next time, I gave him a heavy thrust with the sharp end of it. But this did not kill him by any means, nor did he give me another chance for some time.

These Miss Shields used to carry about in her pocket without opening them till they were all crumply at the edges. Then she hastily mastered their contents, and made answer in the briefest and most decorous manner. "Qui est votre correspondent?" Margaret asked. We are not defending her French.

Many of their spear-handles were nothing more than narwhal horns, just like 'Old Crumply'; and so you see how the Lord provides for all his creatures, endowing them all, whether white or black or copper-colored, with the same instinct of self-preservation, which leads them to seek and obtain for the security of their lives the materials that He places within their reach.

"While the dogs were worrying the bear we got out our weapons, the Dean his 'Delight, I 'Old Crumply, and Eatum a spear made of a narwhal horn, and looking, for all the world, just like 'Old Crumply's' twin brother. Then we rushed up to the bear, Eatum leading; and fierce though the animal looked, and awfully as he roared, we closed right in upon him, and quickly made an end of him.