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The lashing was the same string or thong we had before used for the duck-traps. It was very strong, though not half so heavy as 'Old Crumply. "But though we had 'Old Crumply, and the 'Dean's Delight, we were apparently just as far off as ever from catching a seal.

But he did not stay more than a second or so, going down as quickly as he had done before. As soon as the line was loosened, however, we drew in the slack, and wound it around 'Old Crumply, so that the seal did not have so much of it now to play with. Nor did he remain under so long the second time. When he came up again, we got in all the slack of the line that we could, as before.

Possibly the former may have the more sensitive imaginations, for unquestionably the buffalo is a far more terrible-looking fellow than his congener. His dark color and the form of the vicious-looking, crumply horn in great part contribute to this. But it seems to me that the expression of the eye produces the same effect to a yet greater degree.

Fools is what he called them in his mind. Yet in spite of himself and his rage and trembling he felt a sudden tenderness for this crumply, tired, ghastly little pink rimmed mother, apprehensive of the worst as was plain to see. Billy recalled like a flash the old man at the Blue Duck saying, "I'm sorry for his ma. I used to go to school with her."

"The Dean carried his 'Delight, of course, while I held on to 'Old Crumply. Nor were our 'palm and needle, and jack-knife, that had done such good service, forgotten. Indeed, we brought away everything.

He darted from side to side, and up and down, without any other result than to tire himself out; for the harpoon held firmly in his body, and the line held firmly to 'Old Crumply, and 'Old Crumply' lay squarely across the hole. "By and by the seal was forced to come up to breathe; and, since there was no other place for him, he had to return to the hole where he had been struck.

He glanced at it and then sat up with a sudden jerk that almost threw him off his balance. In his upturned palm was a rose a salmon-colored rose, slightly crushed, but fresh and fragrant, with a flame-colored, crumply heart. Varick stared at it, shut his eyes, opened them, and stared again.