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"At last I was successful, and the seal was fast in the hole, and with all his struggling he could not get away. With the aid of 'Old Crumply, I now quickly made an end of him. As soon as he was dead, we drew him out on the ice, and rejoiced over him. Such shouting never was before known, at least in that part of the world.

"Tripe de roche!" answered he. "Tripe de roche?" "Yes," replied Norman, "look there!" and he pointed to one of the rocks directly ahead of them, at the same time moving forward to it. The others hastened up after. It was a black, hard, crumply substance, that nearly covered the surface of the rock, and was evidently of a vegetable nature.

"Besides this 'Old Crumply, we made another weapon, in quite an ingenious way, as we thought, though at a great expense of time and labor. This was called by several names, like the other; but generally I called it the 'Dean's Delight, for it was made after the Dean's idea, and he used to flourish it about at a great rate, and was very proud of it.

Stealing about on tiptoe, seeking what she might devour, she found four small jam tarts and ate them, while the cook snored softly. Then, by the table, that looked so like a great loaf-platter, she stood contemplating cook. Old darling, with her fat, pale, crumply face! Hung to the dresser, opposite, was a little mahogany looking-glass tilted forward.

"And now was anybody ever so rejoiced as we? The Dean fairly shouted with delight, and danced around the hole as if he were crazy, crying 'Bravo, bravo! and 'Hurrah for Crumply' and 'Hurrah for Old Crumply! and hurrah for this, and hurrah for that, until he was fairly hoarse. Meanwhile the seal was trying his best to get away.

I could not run, and therefore, quite mechanically, I hit him in the face with the sharp point of 'Old Crumply, which sent him back into the hut again, and made him roar in an awful manner, as if he were half killed. I knew I must have hit him on some tender spot, the eye, it proved to be afterwards, so he was half blind as well as half dead.

They are the crumply officials who melted into defencelessness and moral decrepitude after Frederick the Great, and again at the glance of Napoleon, and who owe the little stiffness they have to the fact that Bismarck lived.

It dinged his mood, of course, so that the red under his eyes and the folds of his crumply cheeks which seemed to speak of a touch of bloodhound introduced a long way back into his breeding drew deeper and more manifest. If he could have spoken at such times, he would have said: "I have been a long time alone, and I cannot always be asleep; but you know best, and I must not criticise."

"From alarm we now got to be angry, as we observed the liberties these bears were taking with our food, and the little ceremony they made of eating up, in this wholesale manner, what had cost us so much hard labor to get, and upon which our very lives now depended. "I seized 'Old Crumply' in very desperation, and asked the Dean if he would follow me.

Resolved to sell our lives as dearly as possible, we grasped our weapons firmly, the Dean his 'Delight' and I 'Old Crumply, to the end of which I had firmly lashed the jack-knife, after grinding it very sharp on a stone, and giving it a good point.