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"Captain, do ye remember the little girl at Mariana five years ago, the one yersilf and the Englishman were about to break heads over?" "You mean Morgianna Lane, Terrence?" "To be sure I do. I saw the swate craythur not two months since." Fernando, who was anything but sleepy, asked: "Where did you see her, Terrence?" "In Baltimore.

Flaherty declared, amid her giggles, that "the two eyes av the craythur fairly give her a turn," and when asked to explain she pointed to the gongs at the top of the apparatus. Lucy Hapgood had heard of live wires, and shrank from touching even the receiver till repeatedly assured there was no danger of electrocution.

And this smile, not by intrinsic merit, but by virtue of its strangeness, attracted the eye of each man in the room; so, in a crowd, the most foreign-looking face will draw all glances. The Reverend Husell Barter with a frown watched that smile, and strange thoughts chased through his mind. "Uncle Charles, a dhrop of the craythur a wee dhrop of the craythur?" General Pendyce caressed his whisker.

''Tis the poor craythur that stays here, sur; and 'tis very bad she is, and 'tis very bad she's been this long time, and 'tis better she'll never be, and 'tis slape she does all day, and 'tis wake she does all night, and 'tis the lead, sur. 'The what? 'The lead, sur.

I have muzzled his clack for the rest iv his life, and he won't be comin' over us wid the pride iv his Fingal while I'm to the fore, that was a'most at Bingal! "Terry O'Sullivan, who is he, pray?" said the captain. "O, he's a scut iv a chap that's not worth your axin' for, he's not worth your honor's notice, a braggin' poor craythur.

'That's what cooms from her, sur, being lead-pisoned; and it cooms from her night and day, the poor, sick craythur; and the pain of it is dreadful; and God he knows that my husband has walked the sthreets these four days, being a labourer, and is walking them now, and is ready to work, and no work for him, and no fire and no food but the bit in the pot, and no more than ten shillings in a fortnight; God be good to us! and it is poor we are, and dark it is and could it is indeed.

"Who's for a dhrop of the craythur? A wee dhrop of the craythur? Rector, a dhrop of the craythur? George, a dhrop " George shook his head. A smile was on his lips, and that smile had in it a quality of remoteness, as though it belonged to another sphere, and had strayed on to the lips of this man of the world against his will.

The great little man had one standing ground of daily assault on the dusty jacket of poor Pete, and that was that the lad came late to school. Every morning Pete's welcome from the tailor-schoolmaster was a volley of expletives, and a swipe of the cane across his shoulders. "The craythur! The dunce! The durt! I'm taiching him, and taiching him, and he won't be taicht."

When the three young men had entered their room, Terrence began to tell them of a beautiful "craythur" he had that day seen in town, and on inquiry learned she lived a few miles away on the coast. She was the daughter of an old sea captain and came almost daily to the city. "What is her name?" asked Fernando. "Lane." "Great Jehosiphat, Fernando!

Indeed, during the last few months Mr Button, engaged in resting his bones, and contemplating rum as an abstract idea, had left the cooking and fishing and general gathering of food as much as possible to Dick. "It amuses the craythur to pritind he's doing things," he would say, as he watched Dick delving in the earth to make a little oven Island-fashion for the cooking of fish or what-not.