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Updated: August 16, 2024

I have seen much, and understood much, when my superiors have believed me merely a tool; but I have seen much that even those who employed me could not comprehend. I could have foretold this consummation of your nuptials, had I known of their celebration." "This thou could'st not have done, without being an agent of their treachery."

Calm not life's crown, though calm is well. The sentiment is true and even profound; but the expression is surely rugged and jolting to the last degree; and there are many lines nearly as ineuphonious. Here are some samples, collected by that fastidious critic, Mr. Frederic Harrison "The sandy spits, the shore-lock'd lakes." "Could'st thou no better keep, O Abbey old?"

"Dear soul, could'st thou become a child, Once more on earth, meek, undefiled, Then Paradise were round thee here, And God Himself for ever near." Chapel Royal, St James'. 1873. St. Matt. xxii. 2-7. "The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son, and sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come.

If thou could'st succeed in falling on the rear from the north of Kadesh, while the foot soldiers seize the camp of the Asiatics from the south, the fortress will be thine before night. The mountain path that thou must follow, so as not to be discovered, is not a bad one." "Are you ill as well as your brother, man?" asked the king. "Your voice trembles." "I was never better," answered the Mohar.

"I tell thee he went outside the Lido that very hour, or " "Pietrello?" "He was brought up by the oar of Giorgio, for both of us were active in saving the cushions and other valuables." "Could'st thou do nothing for the poor Roman? Ill-luck may follow that brig on account of his death!" "Ill-luck follow her, say I, till she lays her bones on some rock that is harder than the heart of her padrone.

A. WATTS: On burning a Packet of Letters. Many and sad and deep Were the thoughts folded in thy silent breast! Thou, too, could'st watch and weep!

Nor could'st thou hope to have it better done: For I'm no poet, nor a poet's son, But a mechanic, guided by no rule, But what I gained in a grammar school In my minority: I can't commend it, Such as it is into the world I send it, And should be glad to see some hand to mend it.

'And in brunettes is mystery, could'st" thou but read it right, * Thy sight would never dwell on others, be they red or white: Free-flowing conversation, amorous coquettishness * Would teach Harut himself a mightier spell of magic might. And saith another, And yet another, His charms are jealous each of each, and all desire * To be the down that creepeth up his lovely face. And again another,

Even now, on the brink of dissolution, while actually holding the cup which is to launch them both into eternity, Isolde cannot bridle her sarcasm: Is. With dreadful irony she repeats the words with which she supposes Tristan will introduce her: "My lord and uncle! look now at her! A softer wife thou ne'er could'st find. I slew her lover and sent her his head; my wound the kindly maid has healed.

By the study of their biographies, we receive each man as a guest into our minds, and we seem to understand their character as the result of a personal acquaintance, because we have obtained from their acts the best and most important means of forming an opinion about them. "What greater pleasure could'st thou gain than this?" What more valuable for the elevation of our own character?

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