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'Do not speak of the time beyond the month, said Chloe, so urgently on a rapid breath as to cause Mr. Beamish to cast an inquiring look at her. She answered it, 'Is not one month of brightness as much as we can ask for? The beau clapped his elbows complacently to his sides in philosophical concord with her sentiment. In the afternoon, on the parade, they were joined by Mr.

Wingate enquired casually. "Excellent, I should say, sir," the manager replied. "He was a young gentleman who took remarkably good care of himself." "I know the sort," Jimmy said complacently, watching his glass being filled. "A whisky and soda when the doctor orders it, and ginger ale with his luncheon." The manager was called away. Kendrick had become thoughtful.

For a moment he paused, brooding complacently. "I did get even with him, too," he added, "and it didn't take me more than twenty years." "You never forget anything?" "Forget?" he laughed shortly. "When you find a thing I forget, it'll be so small you'll have to put on spectacles to recognize it!" She nodded comprehendingly. "And after that?"

He may, any way, so to say, be wanted for something; he can't be turned adrift altogether." "I fancy he likes Tatiana." Gavrila was on the point of making some reply, but he shut his lips tightly. "Yes! . . . let him marry Tatiana," the lady decided, taking a pinch of snuff complacently, "Do you hear?" "Yes, 'm," Gavrila articulated, and he withdrew.

Each nation took to admiring itself complacently, to praising its own character and achievements, and to idealising its historical and mythical past.

As a child I did that, and there's no need to dispute or to affirm any reasons for doing so. It's the most profitable thing, really, for if there is a God, I offer Him sincere faith, and, if there isn't, well, all the better for me." "But on belief or on unbelief all life is based?" said Yourii. Sanine shook his head, and smiled complacently. "No, my life is not based on such things," he said.

The moon was lying off above the edge of hills, looking out on the world complacently, like an indulgent janitor scanning the sleepy street from his doorway. He was abruptly drawn from his reverie by the entrance of Lagroin into the little garden; and he followed the old man through the open doorway. All was dark, but as they stepped within they heard some one move.

"No more we had," laughed Rudolph, who was still taking little swallows and drawing an occasional long breath, as people do when they have been exercising very vigorously. "But if everything is ready." he added, "let us start." "Well, everything is ready," said Tattine quite complacently, as she led the way to the back piazza, where "everything" was lying in a row.

I only hope he won't take it into his stupid head to mistake me for him, not so unlikely a thing, after all." And the youthful Corrie shook his head with much gravity, as he surveyed his rotund little legs complacently. "What are you laughing at?" he added, suddenly, on observing that a bright smile had overspread Alice's face. "At the idea of you being taken for a pirate," said the child.

The ex-salesman watched too; and his eyes twinkled when Natalie bent that searching look upon Barry. He noted with a grin her tender little touches at the skipper's couch and settled himself complacently in expectation of similar attention.