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He kep a kab -he went to Holmax and Crockfud's he moved in the most xquizzit suckles and trubbld the law boox very little, I can tell you. Those fashnabble gents have ways of getten money, witch comman pipple doan't understand. Though he only had a therd floar in Pump Cort, he lived as if he had the welth of Cresas.

Lay your hand on your busm, and speak out boldly: Is it poatry, or sheer windy humbugg, that sounds a little melojous, and won't bear the commanest test of comman sence? In passidge number 2, the same bisniss is going on, though in a more comprehensable way: the air, the leaves, the otion, are fild with emocean at Capting Norman's happiness.

Give me that there plate to pour the candy in." "Look, 'Telia, what Chick traded me!" Myrtella cast a side glance at Bertie's extended palm, and promptly rescinded the deal. "Ain't you ashamed of yourself, Chick Flathers! Tradin' a little fellow's fine marbles fer them comman allies? It's cheatin', that's what it is, it's stealin'! Ain't you ashamed?"

"An' what for sudna my man," she cried, at full height of her screeching voice, "lay tu his han' wi' ither honest fowk to du for the boat what him 'at was weel kent for the captain o' her, sin' ever she was a boat, wantit dune? Wad ye tak the comman' o' the boat, sir, as weel's o' a' thing ither aboot the place?" "Hold your tongue, woman," said the factor; "I have nothing to say to you."

"I dinna ken what I'm gaein' to du," answered Cosmo. "But for writin' buiks, I could do that better at hame nor ony ither gait, wi' a'thing min'in' me o' my father, an' you nearhan' to gie me coonsel." "I hae aye been yours to comman', Cosmo," replied Aggie, looking down for one moment, then immediately up again in his face. "An' ye're no angert wi' me, Aggie?"

Quod probatum est super by Comman, son of Algasach, of the race of Coelbhadh, who was at Eas-nac-Eire, who made a house there, but, before he had the roof on it, it was broken down by a young cleric of the family of Domhnach-mor-Maighe Tochair. "Thou shalt receive welcome from me," said Aedh, son of Fergus.

Toward this she turned, and lifting an arm with the reverence of a priestess said, in impassioned monotone: "'De moon shine full at His comman' An' all de stahs obey." She kissed my hand as she added good-by. "Why, Sidney!" I laughed, "you mean good night, don't you?"

Dis my fust inderpendent comman', an' ef yer hadn't tole me dis I might a' los' all I gained. Be faithful, Zeb; keep yer eyes an' ears open, an' I'll take care ob yer. Now slip back, fer yer might be missed." "I got back to my lof' mighty sudden, an' I was jis' a-shakin' wid fear, for I beliebe dat Missy Roberta would a' killed me wid her own hands ef she'd knowed.

With the machine can be found average dates, as, for instance, of purchases and of payments extending over irregular periods; also average prices, as for "futures," in comman use among cotton brokers. The problem of average haul, so often presented to the engineer, can be solved with ease and great celerity.

As much as Chinn could decipher said: ..the savage band. Forsook their Haunts and Comman..mended..rals check for spoil. And.. Hamlets prove his gene....toil.