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Updated: August 17, 2024

Maybe it was the jollyin' speech, or maybe it was the unexpected smack, but inside of five minutes Martha has shed her bonnet and we're all sittin' around the table as friendly and jolly as you please. I suppose it was by way of makin' Martha feel comf'table and as if she was really part of the game that they got to reminiscin' about old times and the folks they used to know.

From that description maybe you'd judge that the place where I hang out is a little antique. It is. But inside it's mighty comf'table, and it's the best imitation of a home I've ever carried a latch-key to. As for the near-aunts, Zenobia and Martha, take it from me they're the real things in that line, even if they did let me in off the street without askin' who or what!

"That's missin' the Old Ladies' Home by some margin, ain't it?" "Yes," says J. Bayard Steele, adjustin' the chin part in his whiskers and tiltin' back comf'table in his chair, "I am beginning to think that the late Pyramid Gordon must have been a remarkably good judge of human nature." "For instance?" says I. "His selection of me as an executor of his whimsical will," says he.

Well, after I had reasoned with him severe that-a-way a while, he says, says he, thess ez sweet an' mild, says he, "Daddy, nex' time y'all gits christened, I'll come down an' be elms-tened right like a good boy." Th' ain't a sweeter child in'ardly 'n what Sonny is, nowheres, git him to feel right comf'table, an' I know it, an' that's why I have patience with his little out'ard ways.

We shan't see none, and I don't expect we shall see any ships go by. Skippers give these waters a wide berth on account of the coral reefs. Strikes me that we shall have to make ourselves comf'table and wait till something turns up. The Susan's as safe as a house. Even if another storm comes, as there will some day, she can't move.

His prospects here in this business of mine are fair, and he is doin' better at it than he was, so he may make a comf'table livin' a comf'table South Harniss livin', that is by and by." "Oh, he is with you, then? Oh, yes, I remember my wife said he worked in your office. But she said more about his being some sort of a a poet, wasn't it?"

Set out over a hundred years ago, those elms were." "Spray from the breakers flew clear over the top of the bank here," said Zach. "That's some h'ist for spray, hundred and odd feet. I wan't here to see it, myself, but Cap'n Jeth told me." "You were in a more comfortable place, I hope," observed Galusha. "Um we-ell, that's accordin' to what you call comf'table.

"Very likely, Jem," said Don, laughing. "Ah, and as soon as you'd done it, `thankye, my lad, says the tiger, `that tooth's been so bad that I haven't made a comf'table meal for days, so here goes." "And then he'd eat me, Jem." "That's so, my lad." "Ah, well, this isn't a tiger, Jem." "Why, he's wuss than a tiger, Mas' Don; because he do know better, and tigers don't."

Here he'd been forced into doin' something nice for a party he had a grudge against, has discovered that Twombley-Crane ain't such a bad lot after all, and has been well paid for it besides, out of money left by his old enemy. "Rather a remarkable set of circumstances, eh, Shorty?" says he, tiltin' back comf'table in one of my front office chairs and lightin' up a fresh twenty-five-cent cigar.

They were to occupy a single big room, and their rifles, other arms, and general equipment were already there waiting for them. "I'll miss 'The Galleon," said Paul, "I'd like to be going back in her. I suppose it's sentiment, but I became attached to that boat." "She wuz shorely comf'table," said Shif'less Sol.

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