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Updated: August 17, 2024

If she should open up to you, maybe you'd see your way to say something kind of quieting." "But what's she got to worry about?" "That's what I say," said Mr. Hornblower, gesturing with his whip. "We're comf'table and prosperous, ain't we? Maybe there's a way to get more. I don't say there ain't. But what's the use of more, when you've got enough?

You know you want to be right here with the rest uv us, trappin' the Injuns, an' shootin' the renegades ef the chance comes." "Wa'al, I reckon you're right," said the shiftless one slowly, "but I do wish it would come easier. Ef I could rest comf'table on my bed an' hev 'em driv up to me, I wouldn't mind it so much."

He looked up at me, and down at the cottage. 'Do you? he asked, looking up again. I assured him that I did; and to test my opinion of him I asked whether he didn't think so too. He stood the test well. 'I wanted it rather diff'rent, he answered. 'In what way different? He searched his vocabulary. More comf'table, he found.

"Git home! I should think not!" said Mrs. Snow decidedly. "Pashy's got too much sense to let him try it." "Well, Elsie," commented Captain Jerry, "I told you we'd have a no'theaster 'fore the winter was over. I guess there'll be gale enough to satisfy you, now. No school to-morrer." "Well, that's settled! Let's be comf'table. Ain't there some of that cider down cellar? Where's the pitcher?"

The spacious bed, with its snowy counterpane and silk patchwork "comf'table" folded on the foot, the bright fire in the open stove, the big bureau and glass, the soft carpet, the table for writing and reading standing in the bay, his books on the broad mantel, and his dressing things laid out ready to his hand, not to mention an ample supply of dry towels on the rack.

There they were, eight in number, large, strong boats, every one with several pairs of oars, and tied with ropes to the bushes. The eyes of Shif'less Sol watered as he gazed. "They look pow'ful good to a lazy man," he said, "I could shorely sleep mighty comf'table in one o' them while Jim Hart wuz pullin' at the oars."

She'll be kind of anxious to know if I got here safe and sound and found you. Don't worry about me, I'll be comf'table and busy." He turned to go. Caroline looked at him in surprise. "We are not expecting callers," she said. "And certainly we are not going out to-night. Why should you think such a thing?" It was her uncle's turn to show surprise.

"'Say, he bursts out, 'you look kind of pale to me. What you need is fresh air. Why don't you go take a walk? "The girl looked at him with her mouth open. "'Oh, says she, 'I couldn't do that, thank you, sir. That would leave no one but the cook and the kitchen girl. And the master said you was to be made perfectly comf'table, and "'Yes, says Sim, dry, 'I heard him say it.

I expect them washed out blue eyes of his had taken in so many new scenes since mornin' that they couldn't absorb any more. Anyway, he gets drowsy before the curtain goes up, and after he's twisted his neck until he's got it collar broken he settles back for a comf'table snooze.

"He was havin' such a good time, and he was swimmin' around so comf'table and it wasn't polite to 'sturb him. Can't I have Silver?" "We'll go down and ask Silver what he thinks about it," said the Little Doctor, anxious to make peace between her two idols. "And we'll see if Daddy Chip can get the hat. You must wear a hat, honey; you know what mother told you and you know mother keeps her word."

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