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Updated: August 29, 2024

The girl's speech in the last-mentioned scene, 'Se la miseria mia fosse mia colpa, is thus rendered: The next translation we meet with never got into print. It is preserved in a manuscript at the British Museum , and bears the heading: 'Il Pastor Fido, or The Faithfull Sheapheard.

Art, as his father had done before him, set out for the Many-Coloured Land, but it was from Inver Colpa he embarked and not from Ben Edair. At a certain time he passed from the rough green ridges of the sea to enchanted waters, and he roamed from island to island asking all people how he might come to Delvcaem, the daughter of Morgan.

Non è mia colpa!" he exclaimed. "What do you mean? What has happened, Gaspare?" "I have seen Salvatore." His voice was more quiet now. He fixed his eyes almost sternly on his padrone, as if in the effort to read his very soul. "Well? Well, Gaspare?" Maurice was almost stammering now. He guessed he knew what was coming. "Salvatore came up to me just before I got to the village.

Perdona Tu ancora, al corpo no che nulla pave All'alma si: deh per lei prega; e dona Battesme a me, ch'ogni mia colpa lave; In queste voci languide risuona Un non so che di flebile e soave Ch'al cor gli scende, ed ogni sdegno ammorza, Egli occhi a lagrimar gl'invoglia e sforza.

He who is only a good man that men may know it, and that he may be the better esteemed when 'tis known; who will not do well but upon condition that his virtue may be known to men: is one from whom much service is not to be expected: "Credo ch 'el reste di quel verno, cose Facesse degne di tener ne conto; Ma fur fin' a quel tempo si nascose, Che non a colpa mia s' hor 'non le conto Perche Orlando a far l'opre virtuose Piu ch'a narrar le poi sempre era pronto; Ne mai fu alcun' de'suoi fatti espresso, Se non quando ebbe i testimonii appresso."

The following sonnet, addressed to the new Magistrate, by the elegant and learned Abbé Bettolini, will entertain such of my readers as understand Italian: No, Brenne, il popol tuo non è spietato, Colpa non è di clima, o fuol nemico: Ma gli inulti delitti, e'l vezzo antico D'impune andar coi ferro e fuoco a lato,

"Signorino," he began at once, in a low voice that was full of the pressure of an intense excitement. "Tell me! Where were you last night when we were making the fireworks go off?" Maurice felt the blood mount to his face. "Close to where you left me," he answered. "Oh, signore! Oh, signore!" It was almost a cry. The sweat was pouring down the boy's face. "Ma non è mia colpa!

Now this whole passage is omitted in Signor Tamburini's work; and in its place appears a literal transcript from Costa's note, as follows: "Veramente fu più mirabile cosa vedere il Giordano volto all' indietro o fuggire il mare, quando così volle Iddio, che non sarebbe vedere qui il provvedimento a quel male, che per colpa de' traviati religiosi viene alia Chiesa di Dio."

'Sempre a quel ver ch'ha faccia di menzogna Dee l'uom chiuder le labbra quanto ei puote; Però che senza colpa fa vergogna. BOSWELL. It is strange that Boswell should not have discovered that these lines were from Dante. The following is Wright's translation: 'That truth which bears the semblance of a lie, Should never pass the lips, if possible; Tho' crime be absent, still disgrace is nigh.

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