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The inscription was as follows: Er cof am JANE OWEN Gwraig Edward Owen, Monachlog Llanfair Mathafam eithaf, A fu farw Chwefror 28 1842 Yn 51 Oed. I.E. "To the memory of JANE OWEN Wife of Edward Owen, of the monastery of St Mary of farther Mathafarn, who died February 28, 1842, aged fifty-one."

For several minutes she stood there stooped over painfully, gazing down into the cof the bureau drawer, wherein lay peaceful Olivicia. She was saying good-bye in her heart she never said it aloud. "Dear," very softly indeed, "you are sure you understand? Everybody has to grow up, dear. It it hurts, but you have to. I mean I'VE got to. I wouldn't so soon if it wasn't for my legs.

But this dealt with the students only undergraduate, graduate, special. No Cope there. Remained the loose-leaf faculty-index, in which the members of the professorial body told something about themselves in a great variety of handwriting: among other things, their full names and addresses, and their natures in so far as penmanship might reveal it. Ca; Ce; Cof; Collard, Th.

As to the cof it is a widely spread form of association, having some characters of the mediaeval Burgschaften or Gegilden, as well as of societies both for mutual protection and for various purposes intellectual, political, and emotional which cannot be satisfied by the territorial organization of the village, the clan, and the con federation.

The cof knows no territorial limits; it recruits its members in various villages, even among strangers; and it protects them in all possible eventualities of life. Altogether, it is an attempt at supplementing the territorial grouping by an extra-territorial grouping intended to give an expression to mutual affinities of all kinds across the frontiers.

We may see the same till now in the Kabylian. cof: the Kabyles have their village community; but this union is not sufficient for all political, commercial, and personal needs of union, and the closer brotherhood of the cof is constituted. As to the social characters of the medieval guild, any guild-statute may illustrate them.

They belonged to an estate, or a quarter of a town, where no other faith than theirs had ever been professed. They were Donatists like their employers, like their neighbours, like the other people of the cof to which they had belonged from father to son. The theological side of the question left them absolutely indifferent.

I reckon it ain't no cinnamon 't I've loaded up thish-yer stove with!" He gasped once or twice, then moved toward the cof gun-box, stood over that Limburger cheese part of a moment, then came back and sat down near me, looking a good deal impressed. After a contemplative pause, he said, indicating the box with a gesture, "Friend of yourn?" "Yes," I said with a sigh. "He's pretty ripe, ain't he!"