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In quite a different way close-to, but to the same effect at either distance, long or short, the English 'had the range of them, as sailors say to-day. Close-to, the little Spanish guns fired much too high to hull the English vessels, lying low and trim upon the water, with whose changing humors their lines fell in so much more happily than those of any lumbering Spaniards could.

"That vessel is the Loelia madam, and Diaz has just come aboard with this letter;" and he handed it to her. "What an extraordinary thing! Why did not my husband come for me himself if he is so anxious for me to join him on the Loelia. Is she close-to?" "Yes, but not in sight.

The flying-maidens had come together in a compact circular group, hands over each other's shoulders, wings faintly fluttering. Perceptibly they clung to each other for support. Their faces had turned chalky; their heads drooped. Intertwined thus, they drifted out of sight. "Lord, they are beautiful, close-to!" Honey said. "You never saw such complexions! Or such eyes and teeth!

In one of these two instances of a craving for stimulants, developed from sheer anxiety, I cannot assert that the man's seaman-like qualities were impaired in the least. It was a very anxious case, too, the land being made suddenly, close-to, on a wrong bearing, in thick weather, and during a fresh onshore gale.

"On our starboard beam, sir," sang out Masters from the foretop. "About two points off, I fancies, sir." "I can't see her," said the skipper, looking in the direction the boatswain had indicated. "I thought she was close-to from your hailing her." "She's further away now than I thought, sir!" shouted old Masters in reply to this, after having another squirm over the topsail yard.

Then I close-to the latch, and she the living woman asks me in her purring voice what sound I heard, hiding a smile as she stoops low over her work; and I answer lightly, and, moving towards her, put my arm about her, feeling her softness and her suppleness, and wondering, supposing I held her close to me with one arm while pressing her from me with the other, how long before I should hear the cracking of her bones.

And as we stood near the taffrail side by side, my captain and I, looking at it, hardly discernible already, but still quite close-to on our quarter, he remarked in a meditative tone: "But for the turn of that wheel just in time, there would have been another case of a 'missing' ship."

The patchwork engines of the deep-draught Merrimac made her as unhandy as if she had been water-logged, while the light-draught Monitor could not only play round her when close-to but maneuver all over the surrounding shallows as well. The Merrimac put her last ounce of steam into an attempt to ram her agile opponent.

As Cora's boat was setting out, Ben leaned over and whispered: "Don't listen to word from any one, and what's more, if you know anything about the cause for this fight keep it close-to yourself. I told your brother the rest," and he covered her small white hand with his own brown rough palm. "Thank you, Ben, and yes, I will remember," said Cora, with more stress in her voice than in her words.

One or two, shouting, scrambled up the rigging; most, with a convulsive catch of the breath, held on where they stood. Singleton dug his knees under the wheel-box, and carefully eased the helm to the headlong pitch of the ship, but without taking his eyes off the coming wave. It towered close-to and high, like a wall of green glass topped with snow.