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"Weally," said Horner, who usually put on most of his w and r ish airs when in the presence of ladies in evening costume: in the day he sometimes spoke more plainly. "Weally, how clevah you ah! I asshaw you, I didn't gwess it for neawy a week ah!" "I can quite believe that!" said Seraphine, wickedly. "Did you ever hear any of Praed's charades?" I asked Min. "No," she said. "Do you recollect some?"

"We'll have to re-christen you 'In-Bad the Sailor!" said Sahwah. "Really!" said the Captain, making a grimace of comical surprise at her. "Who would have thought the child was so deucedly clevah, bah Jove!" But the name of In-Bad the Sailor struck the others as being such a good one that they adopted it right away, and Slim had to answer to it half the time for the rest of the summer.

"You mean to say that I am a brick aw good, dooced good; I must tell that at the club dooced clevah; couldn't do much bettah meself, doncherknow? Now, if you will kindly rise from your seat aw I will point out a vewy interesting mountain peak." "Thank you, I can see well enough without rising."

All the men had something and tapped rims with the visitor. "'Pears to me you people is mighty clevah up hyeah; 'tain' no wondah Zachariah don' wan' to come home." Just then they heard a loud whoop outside the door, and a voice broke in upon them singing thickly, "Oh, this spo'tin' life is surely killin' me." The men exchanged startled glances.

Even if I did, I prefer my own countrymen. Don't you like America, Mr. de Brabazon?" "Oh, of courth, if we only had some lords here." "We have plenty of flunkeys." "That's awfully clevah, 'pon my word." "Is it? I am afraid you are too complimentary. You are very good-natured." "I always feel good-natured in your company, Miss Florence. I wish I could always be with you." "Really!

"Aw I'm a little off soundings, doncherknow, and am not suah whether that is Dunderberg Mountain or Saint Anthony's Olfactory Organ aw that's clevah, don't you think, Saint Anthony's Olfactory Organ, doncherknow" At the moment of partly rising to his feet, a couple of Vassar girls walked past.

"I am awfully sorry, I am, upon my word, Miss Florence. My doctor tells me it is only those whose bwains are vewy active that are troubled with headaches." "Then, I presume, Mr. de Brabazon," said Florence, with intentional sarcasm, "that you never have a headache." "Weally, Miss Florence, that is vewy clevah. You will have your joke." "It was no joke, I assure you, Mr. de Brabazon."

Oh, he's de gemman whut come an' offered to 'ten' to Sis' Jane Callender's bus'ness fu' huh. He's a moughty clevah man." "And he told her she ought to make a will?" "Yas, suh.

"What's that for?" asked the wondering youth, taking the crumpled paper. "Aw that's all right, my deah fellow you earned it dooced clevah in you" Tom Gordon compressed the paper into a small wad, and placing it between his thumb and forefinger, as though it were a marble, shot it against the eyeglasses of the amazed dude.

Why, bless yo' soul, suh, you skeered me. You sho' is clevah." Turner went out and came upon his emissaries, where they had halted the singing Zach in the hallway, and were trying to get into his muddled brain that his father was there. "Wha'sh de ol' man doin' at de 'Banner, gittin' gay in his ol' days? Hic." That was enough for Turner to hear.