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'Bout six munce ago s'm' fellers come all through here claimin' t' be after information about the county and the leadin' citizens; wanted t' write a history, an' wanted all the pitchers of the leading men, old settlers, an' so on. You paid ten dollars, an' you had a book an' your pitcher in it." "I know the scheme," grinned Hartley.

"Cyrus," began the Honorable Atkins, "we are here to claim " "Give me my daughter, you robber!" demanded Thomas, from his new position in the rear of the other two. "Mr. Thomas," said Heman, "please remember that I am conducting this affair. I respect the natural indignation of an outraged father, but ahem! Cyrus, we are here to claim " "Then do your claimin' inside.

'Bout six munce ago s'm' fellers come all through here claimin' t' be after information about the county and the leadin' citizens; wanted t' write a history, an' wanted all the pitchers of the leading men, old settlers, an' so on. You paid ten dollars, an' you had a book an' your pitcher in it." "I know the scheme," grinned Hartley.

"Well, you allus was better at claimin' than at gettin'. I don't want to sadden my daughter's weddin' night, but if you ain't minded to go your way peaceable I'll have to spoil ya." "Barbie," sez Dick, an' his voice was meller as a flute, "don't ya love me no more?" She raised her head an' looked at him, but she couldn't speak, so she only nodded her head.

"But he can't play double all the time. That sort of thing will bring a man to the end of a rope, with clear air under his feet." "I'm glad you've told me this," said Red Blaze. "Skelly might have come ridin' in here, claimin' that he an' his men was Northern troops, an' then when we wasn't suspectin' might have held up the whole town. I'll warn 'em.

"Do you?" sharply, to the Postmaster. "No," he replied. "Then," said Flip, coolly, "if you're not claimin' 'em for yourself, and you hear father say they ain't his, I reckon the less you have to say about 'em the better." "Thar's suthin' in that," said the old man, shamelessly abandoning the Postmaster.

I don't need to tell you that I'm for you." "No, not after tonight," Billy assured him. They went on again for some little time without speaking, then Billy said: "I got two things to tell you. The first is that after I seen that newspaper article in your clothes I thought you was figurin' on double-crossin' me an' claimin' the five hun. I ought to of known better.

"You're the guy I fed the other mornin', ain't you?" he asked. Steve nodded. "More'n which," continued the cook, "you're the guy as licked Woodsy las' night in Red Crick?" Again Steve nodded. "An' again you're claimin' to run the ranch here? An' to own it? An' to be ol' Hell-Fire's gran'son?" "I asked you where Woods was," Packard reminded him sharply.

They norates thet ther Doanes holds me accountable fer whatever ther Harpers does good or evil because I stands as heir ter yore gran'pap. They tells me likewise thet ther Harpers hain't got no settled leader, an' only two things hinders me from claimin' thet job myself: Fust place, I don't crave ter mingle in thar ructions, and second place they won't hev none of me.

"Three months ago he hardly dared hope for me he would have kissed the dust under my feet and now he flies into fits of jealousy because I dance with another man." "'Tis human natur to go by leaps an' starts in love, Molly." "It's a foolish way, grandfather." "Well, I ain't claimin' that we're over-wise, but thar's al'ays life ready to teach us."