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Say the word, an' I'll signal the boys to come back, all peaceful, an' no shootin'. If ye don't want to take it my way, I'm done talkin'. The others look for fight, an' Peth's got my gun's well's his own. So, if you want fireworks, it ain't my funeral." "I'll take you up," said Locke, as he reached for his cigar-case. "You'll let us have Tom and what we need?"

Carlyon laid his cigar-case on the table at Derrick's elbow, and lighted his own cigar with great deliberation. "You may remember, Dick," he said quietly, after a pause, "that once upon a time you wrote and published a book. It had its merits and it had its faults. But a fool of a critic took it into his head to give you a thorough slating. You were furious, weren't you?

In one of the rooms at the police-station, Neale anxiously watched Polke and Starmidge examine the dead man's clothing and personal effects. The detective rapidly laid aside certain articles of the sort which he evidently expected to find a purse, a cigar-case; the usual small things found in a well-to-do man's pockets; a watch and chain; a ring or two.

Jan, with no prejudices against alleys or pool-rooms, entered the pool-room to inquire. "Yeh," said the man behind the cigar-case "second floor a week in advance ring the front-door bell a woman will come and show you."

De Marsay rose, took a handful of banknotes and folded them into his cigar-case, dressed himself, and took advantage of Paul's carriage to repair to the Salon des Etrangers, where until dinner he consumed the time in those exciting alternations of loss and gain which are the last resource of powerful organizations when they are compelled to exercise themselves in the void.

"And never will, Lionel, until you comprehend of what a jealous woman's imagination is capable." "I can't see," whispered Jim, "why I was kept so long out of my cigar-case?" It was in his possession at last. "O you stupid Jim!" said Sylla softly, "don't you see it was so easy to give it you before I knew I loved you, and " "Well, and what?" inquired Bloxam.

Once or twice between the courses he began his story, but Sutch would not listen until the cloth was cleared. "Now," said he, holding out his cigar-case. "Take your time, Harry."

"I'm afraid it's too late," Ruth Gates said, sadly. "I am afraid that they are here already. Oh, if we had only left out that wretched cigar-case!" "Before we go any farther," Bell said, after a long pause, "I should like to search the house from top to bottom. I've got a pretty sound theory in my head, but I don't like to leave anything to chance. We shall be pretty certain to find something."

But if he would only discover that he had forgotten something a handkerchief or his cigar-case; that did happen occasionally.... And then it was as if her prayer was to be answered while still on her lips. Before the vehicle had got so far away as to be indistinguishable from other vehicles she saw it stop. It stopped and turned. She held her breath.

Then come to me on the leads outside the bathroom. It's a matter of life and death." David did not appear in the least surprised; indeed, he was long since past that emotion. Before the bottom of the mystery was reached a great many more strange things were pretty sure to happen. "So you bought that cigar-case yourself?" he said. "Indeed, I did," Ruth answered, eagerly.