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"He is that!" said Sheridan, adding, as if confidentially: "I got a fine family, Mr. Farver fine chuldern. I got a daughter now; you take her and put her anywhere you please, and she'll shine up with ANY of 'em. There's culture and refinement and society in this town by the car-load, and here lately she's been gettin' right in the thick of it her and my daughter-in-law, both.

"His plans for you his plans for you his plans for you his plans for you " And then, taking the place of "his plans for you," after what seemed a long, long while, her flurried voice came back to him insistently, seeming to whisper in his ear: "He loves his chuldern he loves his chuldern he loves his chuldern" "you'll find he's always right you'll find he's always right " Until at last, as he drifted into the state of half-dreams and distorted realities, the voice seemed to murmur from beyond a great black wing that came out of the wall and stretched over his bed it was a black wing within the room, and at the same time it was a black cloud crossing the sky, bridging the whole earth from pole to pole.

"Smoke may hurt your little shrubberies in the front yard some, but it's the catarrhal climate and the adenoids that starts your chuldern coughing. Smoke makes the climate better. Smoke means good health: it makes the people wash more. They have to wash so much they wash off the microbes.

"You you mean he " Bibbs stammered, having begun to speak too quickly. Checking himself, he drew a long breath, then asked, quietly, "Does father expect me to come down-stairs this evening?" "Well, I think he does," she answered. "You see, it's the 'house-warming, as he calls it, and he said he thinks all our chuldern ought to be around us, as well as the old friends and other folks.

I tell you when a man dies the wolves come out o' the woods, pack after pack, to see what they can tear off for themselves; and if that dead man's chuldern ain't on the job, night and day, everything he built'll get carried off. Carried off? I've seen a big fortune behave like an ash-barrel in a cyclone there wasn't even a dust-heap left to tell where it stood! I've seen it, time and again.

Roscoe hasn't got any chuldern yet, and I haven't ever spoke to him and his wife about it it's kind of a delicate matter but it's about time the wife and I saw some gran'-chuldern growin' up around us. I certainly do hanker for about four or five little curly-headed rascals to take on my knee. Boys, I hope, o' course; that's only natural.

Look at the way she worked me to get me to promise the New House and I guess you had your finger in that, too, mamma! This old shack's good enough for me, but you and little Edie 'll have to have your way. I'll get behind her and push her the same as I will Jim and Roscoe. I tell you I'm mighty proud o' them three chuldern! But Bibbs " He paused, shaking his head.

He dropped the hand from her shoulder and moved slowly away, but when he reached the door he stopped and spoke again, without turning to look at her. "The Realty Company'll go right on just the same," he said. "It's like it's like sand, mamma. It puts me in mind of chuldern playin' in a sand-pile.

But you want to whip the law you've set yourself against it, to bend it to your own ends, to wield it and twist it " The voice broke from Sheridan's heaving chest in a shout. "Yes! And by God, I will!" "So Ajax defied the lightning," said Gurney. "I've heard that dam'-fool story, too," Sheridan retorted, fiercely. "That's for chuldern and niggers. It ain't twentieth century, let me tell you!

"But you must remember, Bibbs, whatever papa does is for the best. He loves his chuldern and wants to do what's right by ALL of 'em and you'll always find he's right in the end." He made a little gesture of assent, which seemed to content her; and she rustled to the door, turning to speak again after she had opened it. "You get a good nap, now, so as to be all rested up for to-night."