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Some hunters, like the Bushmen of the Cape , kill the Titan of the forests with barbed darts carrying Waba-poison. The general way of hunting resembles that of the Abyssinian Agageers described by Bruce. One man mounts a white pony, and galloping before the elephant, induces him, as he readily does, firearms being unknown, to charge and "chivy."

"I like it when it stays on the roof," said Stella. "It doesn't always. I spent a gruesome night in an old country farmhouse last summer. The roof leaked and the rain came pattering down on my bed. There was no poetry in THAT. I had to get up in the 'mirk midnight' and chivy round to pull the bedstead out of the drip and it was one of those solid, old-fashioned beds that weigh a ton more or less.

You wait a bit till he comes next time. He will soon show you how friendly he is to me. Why, it was only yesterday, I think though the time goes so rum here, where one sleeps so much he come to see me, and one of the Malay chaps as was taking him to the water tried to drive him away, and, my word, you should have seen him chivy the chap off and call him a hinterfering blackguard, in helephant!

And then, when this chivy was done, and their quick little hearts beat aloud with glory, it was pretty to see them all rally round the pump, as crafty as their betters, and watching with sly humor each other's readiness to begin again.

"And yet," Fenn complained, in his thin voice, "if I talk like that, they call me a pacifist, a lot of rowdies get up and sing `Rule Britannia', and try to chivy me out of the hall where I'm speaking." "You see, there's a difference, lad," Cross pointed out, setting down the tankard of beer from which he had been drinking.

"It's so tactless to continually chivy people about their health, but I own that I can scarcely resist saying to the child every time I see her, 'Are you any better today? or, 'Have you any cough? or, 'How is your appetite? I have not wanted to trouble you about her but the truth is we all find ourselves talking her over. The point of her chin is growing actually sharp. What is Mrs.

You whiles go to the lush-crib, Mr. Yorkshireman; what now do you reckon best after a regular drench? Yorkshireman. Oh, nothing like a glass of soda-water with a bottom of brandy some people prefer a sermon, but that won't suit you or I. After your soda and brandy take a good chivy in the open air, and you'll be all right by dinner-time. Jorrocks. Right I Bliss ye, I shall niver be right again.

We thought only of the conclusion. Where the actual winning-post could be we had given up trying to conjecture. "It seems," Haigh remarked once, "that those two fools have made up their minds to race round this five-franc bit of an island for so long as we three fools choose to chivy them. It's a mad set-out whichever side you take it from, and the fun's evaporating.

"All right, mother!" he answered. He tried to take up the theme of engineering again. "It's no good trying to chivy Germans in the way you chivy foxes. You've got to think, and think hard. That's where we come in!..." But it was a poor effort, and he abandoned it quickly. "I think," he said, "I'll go up and say 'Good-night' to mother. You two'll see to things!..."

I don't exactly wish they'd blow up Mr Gladstone, but if a mad bull would chivy him there, and he would never come back any more, I should not be sorry. Lord Hartington is not exactly the man I should like to set in his place, but he would be immeasurably better than Gladstone. "I miss your sister Charlotte more than I can express.