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Hanscom, the wife of the grain-dealer who always stipulated for cash payment before he would deliver a bag at the barn door, "it ain't bills, as I see." "It's just as good." Ellen Bayliss looked up from her sewing to throw this in, with her air of deprecating courtesy. "A check's the same as money any day. I have two, twice a year, from my stock.

"Why, during the last four days the issue has been oversubscribed. It was getting that Mr. Barton, of Pratt & Barton, on our list that turned the trick." "Alvin!" I gasps. "Why why, he's only a batty nephew, that they keep under guard. Bughouse, you know. His check's no good." "Doesn't matter in the least," says Blair. "He made good bait. We're established, I tell you!

Tell Reed that I think the check's all right this time, but we'll stand pat until we know for a certainty. We'll get an answer by morning sure." The message was hailed with delight at Bob Quirk's wagon. On nearing the river, Morris rode by way of the herd to ask the deputies in charge to turn the cattle up the river towards his camp.

Later, through the efforts of the late Congressman Nichols, many of those soldiers were reimbursed. Of course complete restitution would have been made by the war department if all the soldiers had sent their claims in. Hundreds of American veterans of the North Russian campaign lost ten to twenty per cent of their pay check's hard earned value.

The man leaned forward toward her and his eyes mirrored an astonishment genuine and absolute. "Do you mean ... that you really fancied ... that you loved me?" She turned her face away until he could see only the roundness of her check's contour and the curling softness of the hair on her neck. Her voice carried a burden of lethargic weariness.

You know how women are when they take charge. If that check's in the house she's liable to find it. If I deposit it, in a little town like this, people will find it out, and somebody'll blab to her. You send it to me after the trial, when I'm ready to explain to the girl without ruinin' your prospect of winnin', an' Drake's. That's my condition."

'Tis not my look-out how she gets money, so as her check's good; and that I'll fix as soon as the door's open." "Why, damn it if I don't think it a forgery. How should such a girl as that get so much money?" "Can't conceive. Coax or rob her aunt of it, I suppose. If she's such another as Frank, she is able to outwit the devil. I hope it may be good.

"Anything you ask in reason, but you'll have to take a check on a Brandon bank. Have you got a pen and paper in the house?" "How am I to know your check's good?" The farmer laughed ironically. George was doubtful of the man, but he must take a risk. "My name's Lansing, from the Marston homestead, beyond Sage Butte. It's a pretty big place; any check I give you will be honored."

Boys fer I've seen you all bought er broke on my solemn repitation fer a three-minute clip, I ain't givin' you no bran-mash o' my own fixin'. I'm tellin' you my experiences, an' I've had ez heavy a load an' ez high a check's any horse here.

A thousand dollars! Wasn't that like a dude? Dudes thought money could do anything, buy anything. Uncle Bill would rather have had a sack of flour just then than all the money Sprudell owned. "Your check's no more good than a bunch of dried leaves. It's endurance that's countin' from now on. We're up against it right, I tell you, with Toy down sick and all." Sprudell stared. "Toy?"