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He used to reckon his sacks by chalk strokes all in a row like garden-palings, measure his ricks by stretching with his arms, weigh his trusses by a lift, judge his hay by a chaw, and settle the price with a curse. But now this accomplished young man does it all by ciphering and mensuration.

But the general effect was pale, or rather silvery, for Wiltshire is not a county of heavy tints. Beneath these colours lurked the unconquerable chalk, and wherever the soil was poor it emerged. The grassy track, so gay with scabious and bedstraw, was snow-white at the bottom of its ruts. A dazzling amphitheatre gleamed in the flank of a distant hill, cut for some Olympian audience.

And so it was through the front window that the new teacher of the Ridge School first appeared on her future scene of action and surveyed her little kingdom. Bud threw open the shutters, letting the view of the plains and the sunshine into the big, dusty room, and showed her the new blackboard with great pride. "There's a whole box o' chalk up on the desk, too; 'ain't never been opened yet.

"Not a friend of yours, I hope?" said Mr. Chalk, at last. "Who?" inquired the captain, starting from his reverie. "The dead man atop of the treasure," replied the other. "No," said the captain, briefly. "Is it worth much?" asked Mr. Chalk. "Roughly speaking, about half a million," responded the captain, calmly. Mr. Chalk rose and walked up and down the room.

"And then, the fiords of Norway, and the mountains? Or the chalk cliffs off Dover? And those sweet green fields of England as we rode up to London town? And the taxis there, just you and I, Helena, with Aunt Lucinda happily evaded just you and I? Yes, I am thinking of forcing Aunt Lucinda to walk the plank ere long, Helena.

A thin layer of earth and turf covered the chalk which was hundreds of feet in depth; at any spot a blow with a pick would bring up the white chalk filled with black flints. The hills by which the plains were reached rose sharply from the surface of Wiltshire, so that Salisbury Plain itself could be easily distinguished miles away by the white, water worn rifts in the hillsides.

Weymouth is a popular watering-place and the point of departure for steamers for the Channel Islands, and it was George III.'s favorite resort. He had a house there, and on the cliffs behind the town an ingenious soldier, by cutting away the turf and exposing the white chalk beneath, has made a gigantic figure of the king on horseback, of clever execution and said to be a good likeness.

We know as well what differences to expect in the habits of a mucous and of a serous membrane, as what mineral substances to look for in the chalk or the coal measures.

Pictet gives as a well-known instance, the general resemblance of the organic remains from the several stages of the Chalk formation, though the species are distinct in each stage. This fact alone, from its generality, seems to have shaken Professor Pictet in his firm belief in the immutability of species.

Sometimes a bunch of wild-flowers, sometimes birds' eggs, marbles, boxes of chalk, a packet of toffee or barley-sugar, a currant bun, a tin trumpet, a whistle, a jam tart, a penny pistol, and so on, till his mother declared she would have to stop taking them in, as they were getting such an accumulation of them. 'And how is my little fellow-soldier? asked Mr.