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And the casualness of people so driven by the demands of living and money making that they do not take time even to be slightly courteous and kind, no matter how objectionable it may be, still that, even that, is better than their active displeasure.

Yet there was in his large eyes a look of almost appealing gentleness, as if he were seeking something, some sympathy, some affection, perhaps, which he needed and had never yet found. Several times when she glanced towards him with careful casualness, Lady Sellingworth found his eyes fixed upon her with this no doubt unconsciously appealing expression in them.

When Henry had put on his overcoat to accompany her home she was nowhere to be found. Hearing voices proceeding from the kitchen, I went in that direction. It was then I heard Marion remark in a casual tone the casualness a little overdone: 'You might let me hear if he says any more about it. 'Right-o, Miss.

Losinj, who is accused of assaulting a Sanctioner officer. He also demands we release Entos." "Send him in," Medart said, the casualness he'd assumed for Corina's benefit vanishing. "I'll handle this myself." "Yes, sir." The viewscreen went blank. Medart turned to Corina. "Did you assault a Sanctioner officer?" "That is a matter of interpretation," she replied.

Liputin, Shigalov, and the authority on the peasantry supported this plan; Lyamshin said nothing, though he looked approving. Virginsky hesitated and wanted to hear Pyotr Stepanovitch first. It was decided to hear Pyotr Stepanovitch, but still he did not come; such casualness added fuel to the flames.

"And of course from the other bow-window higher up," he added, almost pitifully, in his careful casualness. Hilda felt sorry for him, and she could not understand why she felt sorry, why it seemed a shame that he should be mysteriously compelled thus to defend the house before it had been attacked. "Oh yes!" she murmured foolishly, almost fatuously. The street and the house were disappointing.

Their frequent enforced conferences; the chance touching of their fingers, only to fly too instantly apart; the impeccable masks of indifference and elaborate casualness of manner; the forbidden singing through her entire being as he walked into the office and the imperturbability of the manner she must present to him.

Muriel and Rachael went into soft and purring ecstasies of enthusiasm. Mrs. Gilbert blinked and beamed. With an air of casualness Dick broke in with a question: "Who is this fellow Bloeckman, Gloria?" Scenting a faint hostility, Gloria turned to him. "Joseph Bloeckman? He's the moving picture man. Vice-president of 'Films Par Excellence. He and father do a lot of business." "Oh!"

He greeted the arrival with the easy casualness of the northlander. "Glad to see you, Chief," he said, shaking hands. "Stuff aboard? Good," as the other nodded. "Guess the gang'll ship it right away jest as soon as they haul it out o' the guts of the old tub. You goin' on up with the mail? She's due to get busy in two hours, if she don't get colic or some other fool trouble."

They lost no opportunity of writing a note, or sending a Christmas card, or an economical funeral wreath. By daily toil and the amicable ignoring of casualness of manner or slights, they managed to cling to the edge of the precipice of social oblivion, into whose depths a lesser degree of assiduity, or a greater sensitiveness, would have plunged them.