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Updated: August 3, 2024

It has a float-feed carburetor, mechanical oiler, and the ignition system is the jump-spark the best for this style of motor. The boat will make ten miles an hour, with twelve in, and, of course, more than that with a lighter load. A good deal will depend on the way the motor is managed. "Now, as you know, Mr.

"Koku is a good discourager," said Mr. Swift, with a chuckle. "You couldn't have a better guard, Tom." "No, and if I can keep him and Eradicate from trying to pull off rival detective stunts, or 'deteckertiff, as Rad calls it, I'll be all right. Now let's have another go at that carburetor.

"Oh hardly guillotined I should say," remarked t-d, in a voice which froze my marrow despite my high spirits; while the cook and carpenter gaped audibly and the mechanician clutched a hopelessly smashed carburetor for support. One of the section's voitures, a F.I.A.T., was standing ready. A. in particular, impressed me as being almost menacing.

"She's working pretty good all except the carburetor," said the former army man, after they had been flying about fifteen minutes. "The motor does better than I expected, and with another passenger we'll be steadier. She needs a little more weight. Do you want to try to steer her?" "No, sir! Not yet!" cried Uncle Ezra.

The tank, he knew, had been half full when they came out, and that, under ordinary conditions, would have sufficed to drive the Flying Fish for five or six hours. But they were not ordinary conditions under which she was now laboring. Tubby knew that Merritt was piling in every ounce of gasoline the carburetor could take care of.

And I reckon you'll have to spend more for fixing her up; won't you?" he asked, in a tone that seemed to indicate he hoped for a negative answer. "Oh, yes, we'll have to fix her up," said the lieutenant, "and buy a new carburetor, too. You know you promised that." "Yes, I suppose so," sighed Uncle Ezra. "More money! And that skunk Hank Crittenden got ten dollars out of me!

"Give me the sounding stick out of that locker, Hiram." Armed with the stick, Merritt rapidly unscrewed the cap of the fuel tank and plunged the sounder into it. "There's quite a lot of gasoline in there yet," he exclaimed, with sparkling eyes, as he withdrew and felt the wet end of the instrument. The carburetor was rapidly adjusted.

Hurry! Perhaps there are folks aboard we know. Let us act at home, and pretend we have been running motor boats all our lives." Cora took her place at the engine and before Bess or Belle had really gotten seated she was turning on the gasoline. "You see this is the little pipe that feeds the 'gas' from the tank to the carburetor," she explained.

"There, I reckon she'll work," said the mechanician, as he fastened the last valve in the carburetor. "It was an easier job than I expected. Wasn't as much trouble as I had over their car those two fellers you were speaking of Field and Melling. They're rich guys!" "Yes?" replied Tom, questioningly. "Sure! They've started a big dye company."

Regarding each new intricate mechanism metal lathe, two-jet carburetor, machine gun, oxyacetylene welder he learned one good realistic-sounding phrase, and used it over and over, with a delightful feeling of being technical and initiated.

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