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She never has," Foster answered dubiously. "Reason I asked, she didn't just choke down from the pull. She went and died on me." "That's funny," Foster observed weakly. On the level Bud went into neutral and pressed the self-starter with a pessimistic deliberation. He got three chugs and a backfire into the carburetor, and after that silence.

We had lunched at Tolbiac, late and abominably. Then, leaving the highway, we had taken a country road. Two punctures befell us; once our carburetor betrayed the trust we placed in it. By the time these deficiencies were remedied I had collected dust and grease enough to look my part.

Exactly at 9.45 Titherington made a magnificent start in his Henry Farman biplane. Carl stared till the machine was a dot in the clouds, then worked feverishly. Tad Warren, the second contestant, was testing out his motor, ready to go. At that moment Martin Dockerill suggested that the carburetor was dirty. "I'll fly with her the way she is," Carl snapped, shivering with the race-fever.

The gasoline comes in here from the tank behind this is called the carburetor, it has a jet to vaporize the gasoline, and the vapour is sucked into each of these cylinders in turn when the piston moves like this." He sought to explain the action of the piston.

"Say, chief, you better tell whoever gets the car, to empty the gas tank and clean out the carburetor and vacuum feed and she'll go, all right! Adios." He hung up and paid the charge hurriedly, and went out and down a crooked little lane that led between bushes to a creek and heavy timber.

We had it in Ft. Wayne, I know, because we opened it there. It must have been taken off in the service station where we had the carburetor adjusted. We'll have to go back and see if it's there." Accordingly they turned around and drove swiftly back to Ft. Wayne.

But his troubles for the day were not over. On the ground below his tank was a stain, and even as he looked, a drop fell from the carburetor feed pipe, followed by a second and a third. He bent down to examine, and speedily found the cause of the trouble. The feed pipe was connected to the bottom of the tank by a union, and the nut, working slack, had allowed a small but steady leak.

"And mine," Frank hastened to say, "is all right except that the oil feed is blocked and the electric battery is shut off that is, it is so arranged that the machine will spark for a short distance and then buck. Great doings!" "And yours, Jack?" asked Ned. "Just a few burrs gone." "And mine is o.k.," Ned went on, "except that the carburetor has been tampered with.

"Yes; but one of them not till the second day. You see, the carburetor got clogged and wouldn't spray properly. I realized I could never reach Settlement Cliffs without overhauling it. So I scouted for a likely place to land, far from any sign of the cursed signal-fires.

But this phenomenon they could do little more than merely note, for time lacked to give it any serious study. Mid-afternoon found them getting under way again westbound. "Chicago next," said Stern, making some slight but necessary adjustment of the air-feed in the carburetor. "And here's hoping there'll be some natives to greet us!" "Amen to that!" answered the girl.