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He had always used the carefully filtered gasoline from the garage, so that he neither understood the present alarming symptoms nor knew their simple cure. His motor was protesting at a drop of water which had entered the needle valve of his carburetor and, being heavier than gasoline, had lodged there and stopped its flow.

Its silver shafts penetrated the hanging mist-stratas. The surface of the Nares Sea was visible dark and sullen looking. I shifted the angles of incidence of the wings, re-set my propeller angles and made the necessary carburetor adjustments, switching on the supercharger which would supply air at normal zero-height pressure to the carburetors throughout my descent. I swung over Nareda.

They threw the carburetor and the wheels and the steering gear and a lot of other parts into the lake." "Then they left their cards pinned to the dismantled machine's cushions; in case Rhuburger cares to go further into the matter. While they were doing all that, the club's Governors had a hurry-call meeting. And for once the Board was unanimous about something.

"Nothing like sticking together, Mister," called the lady cheerfully, and he heard her laughter above the churn of their motors. "Say, ain't your carburetor all off?" Casey leaned out to call back to the husband. "You're smokin' back there like wet wood." The man immediately stopped the motor and looked behind him. Casey muttered something under his breath when he climbed out.

He bent over the valve he had referred to, which was in the gasoline feed pipe, just forward of the carburetor, and placed there primarily for draining the tank when it was necessary. "Look here!" he yelled, with a sudden shout of excitement. "No," he cried the next moment, "I don't want to waste it but when I opened the valve a stream of gasoline came out. There's plenty of it.

"There you are! That's the trouble!" exclaimed the mechanician, as he took something out of the carburetor. "A bit of rubber washer choked the needle valve." "Glad you found it," said Tom heartily. "Now I guess we can ride back."

At another time some dust got into the carburetor, so we test this. So we go on, calling up possible causes and applying appropriate remedies until the right one is found and the engine is started. In bringing to bear upon the problem facts from our past experience, we form a series of judgments.

"So I judge," Tom said. "Well, I'll be glad to have you give me a hand. I fancy the carburetor is out of order." And this, when the young inventor and the mechanician from Meadow Inn reached the stranded Scud, was found to be the case. The storm had passed, and Mary told Tom she would not mind waiting at the Inn until he found whether or not he could get his air craft in working order.

And if you get any water in a carburetor goo-od-night! But I got to admit water's good for some things." "Oh, I want you please to wait just a few minutes I want to go and speak to my father," the girl said, as the boys started to move away. They were the only ones left now. "Please wait just a minute."

"Can we hire a car here, and at once?" questioned Dick. "Sorry, boss, but we ain't got no car in jest now," answered the colored man. "I expect one back in about an hour." "The car that just went out?" demanded Tom. "Yes, sah." "Can't you get us any sort of a car?" pleaded Sam. "Ain't got nuffin' in 'ceptin' a roadster, an' that won't run sumthin' the matter with the carburetor."