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Shortly after Captain Prescott and Lieutenant Canfield had started with their men on the trail of Oonomoo, they came upon an elderly man in the forest who was hunting. He proved to be Eckman, the Moravian missionary, who had brought up and educated Fluellina, the wife of Oonomoo, and to whom she made her stated visits for religious counsel and encouragement.

Whitney Warren, Mrs. Wharton, Mrs. Canfield Fisher, Miss Grace Ellery Channing, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Carroll of Carrollton, Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. Cooper Hewett, Miss Holt, Mrs. William H. Hill, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Frederick H. Allen, Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, Miss Fairchild, Mrs. Younger, Mrs. Morton Mitchell, Mrs. Fleury, Mrs. Sales, Mrs. Hyde, Mrs. William Astor Chanler, Mrs.

Roger was to go back the second day, and on the evening before, he said: "The scenery about this little place is perfectly beautiful. Does Canfield afford a livery stable, Olive? If so, I will get a buggy in the morning, and you shall pilot me around the country."

"Of course, it was all nonsense; but I have often thought since, that some time, I would tell you what I wanted to do." "And am I to hear now?" Olive smiled, and looked a little wistful. "Yes, I guess I will tell you, though it will be no surprise to you. I want to study, but I can never do it in Canfield.

"You're prejudiced against Ventner," laughed Canfield. "I admit it!" replied Will. "He looks to me like snake in the grass. I don't think anything he could do would look good to me." "Now," Canfield said, "perhaps we'd better be mapping out a plan of campaign. There are three gangways leading in three different directions.

My young friend, Rodney Ropes, and myself managed it between us." "I am glad to see you, Mr. Ropes. Come in both of you. Mrs. Canfield will be glad to welcome you." They followed him into the sitting room, the floor of which was covered by an old and faded carpet. The furniture was of the plainest description.

"Do you know who did this?" he asked. "We think we do," replied Will, "but this isn't any time for long stories. The first thing for us to do is to get back into the breaker and cook Tommy and Sandy three or four breakfasts apiece!" "So you found them, did you?" asked Canfield. "No; we found them," shouted Tommy. "Well, how're you going to get out?" asked the caretaker.

"Your information," grinned Will, "comes a little bit late, but it's all right, just the same. Ventner is in there, and there are two men with. It's a mystery how they made their way in without being discovered, but it seems that they did so." "What are you going to do?" asked Canfield. "We're going on into the mine." "In the face of my warning?" "It's just this way," answered Will.

Sarah Norcliffe Cleghorn was born at Norfolk, Virginia, on the fourth of February, 1876, but since childhood has lived in Vermont. She studied at Radcliffe College, and has written much verse and prose. In 1915 a number of her lyrics were printed between the short stories in a volume by her friend, Dorothy Canfield, called Hillsboro People.

He could get ten years for that!" "All right," replied Canfield. "I'll send word out and have him arrested if you are positive that he is the man that did the cutting." "We are positive that he's the man," replied Will, "but it'll spoil everything if you have him arrested. We want to give him a free hand for a time, and see what he will do. He's a crook, and he's bound to show it!