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It was addressed to my friend Canfield who had charge of the messenger service, and merely instructed him to "forward the packages that had been left with him that morning" to their several addresses without delay. It was signed, "Dubravnik." "Is this the note my servant is to take?" she asked, incredulously. "Yes."

"By the way, do you remember William Canfield Brewer, the original advertiser who got moved out when I moved in? Well, between you and me, almost for a while I did begin to see some charms in matrimony. He came again, and was properly introduced. And took me for a drive, it seems he had just collected his salary, and he came again, and we went to the park, and he came again.

The next morning brother Canfield took him in his buggy to meet his wife and little son he had never seen; and a time of great rejoicing was in the whole neighborhood. As they were married after slave style, brother Canfield solemnized the marriage legally. The minister said we all forgot the black skin, when we saw that couple fly to each other's arms. Surely,

And as they play among the ruins of the old, they reason randomly about the new, laughing. Dorothy Canfield If Floyd Dell seems in The Briary-Bush to hint at the human necessity to turn back by and by from freedom, Dorothy Canfield in The Brimming Cup pretty clearly argues for that necessity.

The writer's own ideals and common sense are revealed in her work and her stories are thoroughly interesting. Under the name, Dorothy Canfield, she has written some notable fiction. The Bent Twig is a graphic American novel in which are portrayed the influences of environment upon a most interesting character. Understood Betsy is a girl's story of warm sympathy and strong common sense.

"But I'm not going to jump into that black water until I have to. If a rope or something should twine around my legs while I was in there, I'd drop dead with fright! Besides," he went on, "the chances are that Canfield will get the pumps going before long now." The boys waited for a long half hour, during which time the water rose steadily.

It's a serial story, and will be continued in our next issue. What did you say about the pumps stopping, Canfield?" "They've stopped, all right!" the caretaker replied. "Are you going to let the ginks flood the mine?" asked Sandy. "While I was out a few moments ago," Canfield explained, "I notified one of the clerks in the company's office to send up a gang of men to repair the machinery.

There's no knowing how they got over to the mine, but it is a sure thing that they did get here, for couple of breaker boys saw them climbing into the breaker." "What time was this?" asked Will. "Oh, I don't know," replied Canfield. "The matter was reported to me early this morning. I couldn't find you before, or you should have had the news sooner. It isn't safe for you to go into the mine!"

"Not, a thing!" replied Tommy. "Then don't you go climbing down the ladders and wandering around in the gangways tonight," the caretaker warned. "Say, there's an idea!" Tommy said to Sandy, with a wink, as Canfield went out. "How do you think one of these mammoth coal mines looks, any way?" "Cut that out, boys!" exclaimed Will.

"I think," Will suggested after a time, "that we'd better find Canfield and get his advice before we do anything in the way of setting up a search. I hate to admit that two members of our party got into a scrape on the same night we struck the mine, but I guess there's, no way out of it."