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"Now you're all, tight and snug for the night," the caretaker smiled, as he turned back from the door and glanced over the rather cozy-looking room. "If I'm about here during the night, I'll look in upon you again." Canfield stepped out and closed the door behind him. Then he came back and looked in again with a big smile on his face. "Do you boys know anything about mines?" he asked.

"If my idea is worth anything at all," replied Will, "we'll get the boys out without ever letting the hold-up men know that we are within a mile of them. You know we had very little difficulty in getting out of the chamber where we left the boat." "Trust you boys for inventing ways of doing things!" exclaimed Canfield.

Every evening from eleven to midnight Petey McGuff sat at the round table in the mildewed corner at the end of the bar, drinking old-fashioned whisky cocktails made with Bourbon, playing Canfield, staring at the nude models pasted on the milky surface of an old mirror, and teasing Carl. "Here, boy, come 'ere an' wipe off de whisky you spilled.... Come on, you tissy-cat.

Salisbury settled down contentedly to double Canfield, the woman crushing out the last flicker of the late topic with a placid shake of the head, when the man asked her for her honest opinion of the American School of Domestic Science. "I don't truly think it's at all practical, dear," said Mrs. Salisbury regretfully.

"Tell Oonomoo," said the girl, looking down to the earth, "that if he meets Lieutenant Canfield to say the same thing to him for me, that I am waiting and hopeful, and have a good friend constantly by me, which lightens, in a great measure, the gloom of my captivity." "Who ish dat friend?" "You." "Yaw, I tells him. Good-by; be a good gal till I comes back. I bees back burty soon."

"But you mustn't show your light when you approach the old shaft," he went on, "because if it does connect with the chamber we seek, and the chamber in turn connects with the north passage, the robbers will see what we're doing." "That's a valuable suggestion!" replied Will. "I'll go on ahead," Canfield continued, "and find the old shaft.

"General Canfield," said Peter, "my regiment has probably more sympathizers with the strikers than has any other in the city. It could not be put in a worse place." "Are you objecting to orders?" said the man, in a sharp decisive voice. "No," replied Peter. "I am stating a fact, in hopes that it may prevent trouble." The man and Peter looked each other in the eye.

GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the resolution of the Senate of the 6th instant, requesting me to "send a copy of the bond entered into and executed by Israel T. Canfield as receiver of public moneys in the now Crawfordsville district, Indiana, together with the names of his securities, to the Senate," I herewith transmit a certified copy of the official bond of Israel T. Canby, and a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, from which it appears that this is the officer referred to in the resolution.

"It was the haunt of Harte, and Twain, and Canfield in the north; it was the bank of such men as Hopkins, Crocker, Huntington and Stanford; the foundation of one of the greatest states in the Union, the Mother Lode, the Mother of Gold!"

I am sure you are too generous for your own interest. Why, it's munificent, princely." "Don't be troubled about me. I can spare it. Send your boy to college, and next year I will send you another sum equally large." "How can I thank you, Jefferson?" said Mr. Canfield, the tears coming into his eyes. "Never in forty years have I had such a gift." "Not even from Squire Sheldon?"