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This byplay to a considerable extent distracted my attention; but when the fellow finally did get up courage to speak, I saw that the eyes of every man in Falk's boat were on him and that Kipping had clenched both fists. "Stop!" the man from Boston cried. "Stop!" He stepped toward Roger with one hand raised. Roger soberly turned on him. "Be still," he said. "But, sir " "Be still!"

Muata repeated the whole conversation with much byplay, even imitating the tones, the nervousness, and the sly glances of the Zanzibar spy, for nothing had escaped his keen glance. "And those men whose presence he suddenly remembered, and who are to meet us to-night, will be Hassan's slave-robbers, too?" "Ow aye," said Muata, with a ferocious gleam in his eyes.

The bit of byplay was not lost on Karl the sudden stiffening of Hedwig's back, Olga's narrowed eyes. Olga had been right, then. Trust her for knowing facts when they were disagreeable. His eyes became set and watchful, hard, too, had any noticed. There were ways to deal with such a situation, of course. They were giving him this girl to secure their own safety, and she knew it.

Had any third person there had the use of his or her eyes that person would have witnessed now a strange bit of byplay and given a fair share of perception would have realised that something more important than a petty triumph in the playing of a game was afoot. Having vision this third person would have seen how Mrs.

He was possessed by a passion for reading character, and endeavouring to decipher motives and intentions in the faces, expressions, conversation, and byplay of those about him. "I examine all my personages closely," said he "watch their mouth, eyes, and ears constantly." And what he heard and saw he noted down with extraordinary vividness and dash.

What is as striking as anything in all this Reading, however that is, in the Reading copy of it now lying before us as we write is the mass of hints as to byplay in the stage directions for himself, so to speak, scattered up and down the margin. "Fagin raised his right hand, and shook his trembling forefinger in the air," is there, on p. 101, in print.

Sylvia, unable to meet Morrison's eyes, absorbed in the difficulty of the moment for her, unillumined by the byplay between her aunt and old Mr. Sommerville, strove for an appearance of vivacious loquacity, and cast into the conversation entirely disregarded bits of description of the fire. Sommerville's pull on his arm, was saying: "If luncheon is ready, and I'm invited, no more needs to be said.

A feminine voice gave the sharp word of command, and the Young Ladies formed up for their performance on the parallel bars. Miss Usher still sat averted. "Look," he said, at last, "it's Winny's turn." She turned slowly, reluctantly almost, and looked. Winny Dymond, shy, but grave and earnest, was going through her little preliminary byplay at the bars.

The party occupied the three foremost rows in the music-hall, and Aladdin sat next to Margaret, and Manners sat upon the other side. The hero of the piece was a jovial big rascal with a spirited voice, and much byplay which kept his good-natured audience in titters from the young gentlemen and little shrieks from the young ladies. Mr.

It was pretty clear from the symptoms, marks, tokens, telegraphs, and general byplay between widower and widow, that Miller Loveday must have again said to Mrs. Garland some such thing as he had said before, with what result this time she did not know. As the situation was delicate, Anne halted awhile apart from them. Thus they lingered, and the day began to break. Mrs.