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While you are musing, still pleased and patronizing, he has picked up the bow of Ulysses, bent it with the ease of Ulysses, and sent a shaft clear through the twelve axes, nor missed one of them. But this, it seems, was mere byplay and marksmanship; for before you have done wondering, Ulysses rises to his feet in anger, and pours flight after flight, arrow after arrow, from the great bow.

Julia Cloud sat apparently reading, watching the little byplay, and praying that God would strengthen the young heart. "Dear Moses!" she murmured with a smile on her lips as the front door banged behind the children and she was left reading alone. Two hours later the two returned full of enthusiasm. Leslie was brimming over.

The three cadets looked at each other, feeling the tension in the air suddenly relax. Strong was busy talking to someone on the portable intercom and had missed the byplay between the three finalists. "That Quent sure has a talent for making himself disliked," Tom commented to his unit mates.

Mrs. Whitney gave Vagen a look of sweet resignation and Vagen responded with an expression which said: "I understand. He is very ill. He is not responsible. I admire your ladylike patience." As Whitney's eyes were closed he missed this byplay. "Here, Vagen before you go," he drawled, waving a weary hand toward the table at his elbow. "Here's a check for ten thousand.

These things therefore the soldiers did." It was probably during this byplay that our Lord uttered the first cry of the cross, and entered on that work of intercession, which He ever lives to perpetuate and crown. He thinks, not of Himself, but of others; is occupied, not with His own pains, but with their sins.

Every land has its symbolism and though the language of flowers has not struck root in the cow country nor yet the amorous Mexican system of "playing the bear" to give up one's pistol to a lady is the sign and token of surrender. However, though it brought the sweat to his brow, the byplay was pulled off unnoticed, Hardy and Lucy Ware being likewise deep in confidences.

There had been glances between those two who stood now so close together swift measuring of the weapons which sex uses against sex, with quick smiles when the glances chanced to meet. José also had seen the byplay; and the fire had smoldered in his eyes until at last it kindled into flame and drove him cursing from the place. In his heart Dade could not blame José.