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"Um," said Dill, none too well pleased. The last thing he desired was co-operation from the Rabbit-Hutch and association with the band of erratic, happy-go-lucky Bohemians that peopled it. "You're laying out a good deal of work for yourself," he remarked coldly, dismissing the Bunnies. "Work? That's what I'm here for," declared O'Grady brightly.

But who'd a thought she'd be so quick!" "Where are my bunnies?" cried Mary Jane, "where did she take them?" And Grandmother noticed that she was bitterly disappointed. "Never you mind, pet," said Grandmother, and she put her arm comfortingly around the little girl. "They're not far away, depend on that.

Grandma has brought you a lolly-pop. What have you been doing to get so sun-burned?" "Flying kites," stated Sunny Boy. "Thank you, Grandma. We found bunnies down in the field." Grandpa came on the porch then, his glasses pushed up on his forehead. "Mary, Olive, have either of you seen anything of those two five hundred dollar bonds I had on my desk?" he said anxiously.

The bunnies who lived to the west of the brook had reconciled their minds entirely now to the rising of that boat among them. At first it made a noise, and scratched the sand, and creaking things came down to it; and when the moon came through its ribs in the evening, tail was the quarter to show to it.

As for the rabbit, which was only a young one or the little woolly terrier could never have overtaken it in the chase down the glade, no trace could be seen of it; and, consequently, it must have been carried over the weir, where at the bottom of the river it was now safe enough from all pursuit of either Puck or his master, and free from all the cares of rabbit life and those ills that even harmless bunnies have to bear!

"Oh, the poor birds!" she cried out in her heart. "Oh, the poor birds, and the poor bunnies!"

"Did he go into that hole, Vi?" "He must have," declared Violet. "It must be his home. It's a burrow." "But he wasn't a bunny. Bunnies have burrows," objected Laddie. "I guess other animals can have burrows, too," said his twin. "And he was lots prettier than a rabbit." "He was that," admitted the excited Laddie. "It wasn't a rabbit, of course. Rabbits aren't red."

For this is the time, with the light upon the slope, and the freshness of salt flowing in from the sea, when the spirit of youth must be free of the air, and the quickness of life is abounding. Without any heed of the cares that are coming, or the prick-eared fears of the elders, a fine lot of young bunnies with tails on the frisk scour everywhere over the warren.

I have been hunting for you all over the cape for the last hour. Ah! Ugly, boy, are you glad to see the old Captain trudging over the rabbit-ground? Eh? shaggy boy! And you have been running the bunnies till you are blown, and your masters would not shoot eh? Well, no matter; the Captain shall bring his marline-spike along some day, and help you bag them.

"Come on, let's go 'round by Farmer Tooker's cabbage patch. Maybe we can find a stump or two to gnaw. I'm getting hungry. Mr. Groundhog didn't give me enough sweet potato." "Perhaps that was all he had," suggested Susie. They were walking along, through a little wood, when, all of a sudden, the two bunnies heard a hiss, just like the steam coming out of the radiator. "What's that?" cried Sammie.