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"He had left the hanging lamp in the cabin burning as usual. It was part of his plan that everything should be as usual. The Frenchman! "The minutes began to slip away. But so far, Davidson was right. They were in the cabin. He expected to hear the sounds of breaking-in every moment.

This breaking-in, this training into Western ways, though she had been a so-called outdoor girl, had required great effort and severe pain; but the education, now past its grades, had become a labor of love. She had perfect health, abounding spirits. She was so active hat she had to train herself into taking the midday siesta, a custom of the country and imperative during the hot summer months.

'I shall not say one without the other. Such a pair is not to be found in a hurry. You only wanted breaking-in to be first-rate, and now you have done it. 'No, it was your own dear little wife! was whispered in his ear. He pinched her again, and, still holding her fast, said, 'Is Percy there? Come in, and, as he entered, 'Percy, I once warned you to kill the cat on the wedding-day.

I have seen Hayes argue with a tough horse I have seen a tonga-driver coerce a stubborn pony I have seen a riotous setter broken to gun by a hard keeper but the breaking-in of Pluffles of the "Unmentionables" was beyond all these. He learned to fetch and carry like a dog, and to wait like one, too, for a word from Mrs. Reiver. He learned to keep appointments which Mrs.

At night they were herded in large cattle-folds, near the village, and on the following day a selection was made of the oxen that were fit for slaughter, of the horses that were old enough for breaking-in, of the buffaloes that were strong enough to be employed in working. The herds were then re-driven to the plain, there to remain until night.

Master Headley himself was a good deal taken up with city affairs, and left the details of his business to Tibble Steelman and Kit Smallbones, though he might always appear on the scene, and he had a wonderful knowledge of what was going on. The breaking-in and training of the two new country lads was entirely left to them and to Edmund Burgess.

There was no gradual breaking-in for me. My first trip to the front line was into a trench full of dead. Have you seen Lloyd George's great speech? I'm all with him. No matter what the cost and how many of us have to give our lives, this War must be so finished that war may be forever at an end. If the devils who plan wars could only see the abysmal result of their handiwork!

He thinks this axe-cut of mine is discipline perhaps like the breaking-in which a wild colt requires; and as you and he are of the same opinion in religious matters, I was curious to know if you held this dogma also. She looked down for a moment. 'Not quite as you have represented it, she said.

But I could not believe that I had been asleep, for I remembered distinctly the gradual breaking-in of the vision upon me, like the new images in a dissolving view, or the growing distinctness of the landscape as the sun lifts up the veil of the morning mist. And while I was conscious of this incipient vision, I was also conscious that Pierre came to tell my father Mr.

"He'll be all there if ever you need him. He only draws the line at conversations." But when I mounted the stockyard fence one morning, to see the breaking-in of the colts, he looked as though he "drew the line" at that too. Fortunately for Jack's peace of mind, horse-breaking was not the only novelty at the homestead.