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Updated: August 25, 2024

Sammy had gone out again to play, and had just come back to find his mother taking her bread-pans from the oven. She regarded them with doleful gaze. "I fairly broke my own record this time for a bum bread-maker!" she muttered beneath her breath. "This batch is the worst yet." "Say mother!" said Sammy. "Well?" "Say, mother, may I have a slice of bread? I'm awfully hungry." "Shoor you may!

In order, therefore, to remove Croesus out of the way, she prepared some poison and gave it to the bread-maker, instructing her to put it into the bread which Croesus was to eat. The bread-maker received the poison and promised to obey. But, instead of doing so, she revealed the intended murder to Croesus, and gave the poison to the queen's own children.

Many strata, variously colored and composed, were deposited, till our bit of beauty was buried thousands of feet deep. The strata were tilted variously and abraded wondrously, for our earth has been treated very much as the fair-armed bread-maker treats the lump of dough she doubles and kneads on the molding board.

You know I'm a prime cake-maker, bread-maker, an' kin do a whole pahcel uv other things besides; an' dress young ladies for parties, whar I learnt at the ole the-etter, which they built it after the fust one burnt up and all dem people whar dey got the Monnymental Chutch over um now; an' any kind of hair-dress-in', curlin' wid irons or quince juice, an' so fothe. No, don't you bother 'bout me."

Return of the messengers. The replies. Croesus decides in favor of Delphi. His costly gifts. The silver tank. The golden lion. The bread-maker. Her history. The oracle questioned. The response. Delight of Croesus. Supplementary inquiry. Croesus's feeling of security. Nature of the oracles. Means by which the credit of the oracles was sustained. Whether the priests were impostors.

Jesus withdraws from the crowds who would like a bread-maker for a king, gets a bit of quiet alone with His Father on the mountainside, and then walks on the water in the storm to keep His appointment with the disciples. Then follows a long disputation and another fine bit of Jesus' teaching.

The reason that induced Croesus to honor this bread-maker with a statue of gold was, that on one occasion during his childhood she had saved his life. The mother of Croesus died when he was young, and his father married a second time. The second wife wished to have some one of her children, instead of Croesus, succeed to her husband's throne.

At daybreak he used to send forward his bread-maker and cook to the place where he intended to lodge; and it was their practice to enter the city with great decorum and no stir, and if there happened to be no ancient friend of Cato's family there or no acquaintance, they would prepare for his reception in an inn without troubling anybody; and if there was no inn, they would in that case apply to the magistrates and gladly accept what accommodation was offered.

"You know, Marianne, I proposed to you to be our family bread-maker for one month of the year before you married." "Yes, mamma, I remember; but I was like other girls: I thought there was no need of it. I never liked to do such things; perhaps I had better have done it." "You certainly had," said I, "for the first business of a housekeeper in America is that of a teacher.

The image was then set up upon the plates, within the precincts of the temple. There was one piece of statuary which Croesus presented to the oracle at Delphi, which was, in some respects, more extraordinary than any of the rest. It was called the bread-maker. It was an image representing a woman, a servant in the household of Croesus, whose business it was to bake the bread.

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