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It is Paul Borson you are asking for?" "Yes, mother." "He went out in his boat with his four sons one night. The boat came back empty. It is two years since." "I am Liot Borson's son." "You?" "Yes. Have I any kin left?" "There is your far-cousin Nanna. She was Paul's one daughter, and he saw the sun shine through her eyes. She is but sadly off now.

Auda came to Lerwick, as usual, with her basket of eggs for sale; she talked with Paul Borson about Bele's disappearance; and though Liot watched her closely, he noticed neither tremor nor hesitation in her face or voice. He thought, indeed, that she showed very little feeling of any kind in the matter.

Abraham and Joseph, Moses and Joshua, were far more real personages to David Borson than the Duke of Wellington or Napoleon and his twelve marshals. Through the stormy days when it was impossible to go to sea, and in the long winter nights, when he stretched himself before the red peats with a little oil-cruse, he and the Bible were friends and companions.

Paul left the Almighty to pay the ill-will he owed Alexander the coppersmith; but I could not ask that much favor, being only Liot Borson; and no doubt the Lord suffered me to pay my own debt time and place being put so unexpected into my hand." Then he was awfully silent. The mortal agony was dealing its last sharp blows, and every instinct impelled him to cry out against the torment.

And God knows I speak the truth, and the whole truth." Then David sat down, and there was an audible stir and movement of sympathy and approbation. And the minister said: "I believe every word you have spoken, David. If any present has a word to say, now is the time to speak." Then Elder Hay rose and said: "Of what use is talk? Liot Borson is dead and judged.

They talked of Liot's hard life and hard death for an hour, and then the woman said: "Paul Borson was of the same kind silent, but full of deeds; and his daughter Nanna, she also has a great heart." "Show me now where she lives, and I will go and see her. Also, tell me your name." "I am Barbara Traill.

Yes, indeed; there was love in that poor little hut that David Borson could not bear to lose. So he said to Barbara in the morning: "I will stay with you while it pleases us both." And Barbara answered: "A great help and comfort thou wilt be to me, and doubtless God sent thee." Shetland was, then, to be David's home, and he accepted the destiny gladly.

David Borson has been to the school of Christ, and he is learned in the Scriptures. We will not silence him, lest haply we be found to be fighting against God." Thus for many a year David went in and out among his mates and friends, living the gospel in their sight.

As I remember, only one woman a pagan, Pilate's wife is recorded as being in this way instructed. I should not be inclined to discipline the memory of Liot Borson on the strength of your dream." "There is, or there was, other evidence; for much of it has now gone away through the door of death. What I want is Liot's own confession. He made it to his son before he gave up the ghost.

"It will be my will. However, if you are in love with ill luck and fated for Liot Borson, you must dree your destiny; and Liot does well to build his home, for he shall not wive himself out of my walls." "It will be more shame to you than to me, aunt, if I am not married from your house; also, people will speak evil of you."