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For he was a righteous man in all his ways, and kind-hearted to every creature in trouble; and he was a life-saver, and not a murderer. And this I, his loving son, will maintain to my last breath. And if, after these words, any man says, 'Liot Borson was a murderer, I will call him a cowardly liar and slanderer at Lerwick Market Cross, and follow the words to the end they deserve.

"Ill luck came with you, girl," she cried, "and I wish that Christmas was here and that you were out of my house." "No need to wait till Christmas, aunt; I will go away now and never come back." "I shall be glad of that." "Paul Borson will give me shelter until I move into my own house." "Then we shall be far apart. I shall not be sorry, for our chimneys may smoke the better for it."

She has a good guard at my house. There is Groat and his four sons on one side, and Jeppe Madson and his big brother Har on the other side; and there is David Borson, who is worth a whole ship's crew, to back them in anything for Vala's safety. Stay with me to-day, Nanna, and we will talk this matter out." But Nanna shook her head in reply.

"Would I come here for good? There is no good in any of your kind. I came here to tell you that I was glad that there is one Borson less." "There has been death among your own kin, mistress," said David, "and such death as should make the living fear to bring it to remembrance." "I know it. You ought to fear.

And as he had brought his nets and lines with him, he had no difficulty in getting men who were glad to help him with his fishing, and to instruct him in the peculiarities of the coast and the set of its tides and currents. For the rest, there was no sailor or fisher in Lerwick who was so fearless and so wise in all sea-lore as David Borson. Sink or swim, he was every inch a seaman.

The storm beat on Karen's coffin; why not on his head also? People looked at him pitifully as he passed, and an old woman, as she came out of her cottage to cast the customary three clods of earth behind the coffin, called out as she did so, "The comforts of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be with you, Liot." It was Margaret Borson, and she was a century old.

"It is true your word brought me here, but I think it was Liot who called me by you." "It was not. When my tongue speaks for any Borson, I wish that it may speak no more! I like none of them. Liot is good at need on a winter's night; but even so, all his stories are of dool and wrong-doing and bloody vengeance. From his own words it is seen that the Borsons have ever been well-hated men.