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Come ashore parade, pale-face manner march booh booh dem cannon; pop, pop dem gun. Wah! how he run!" "Run! who ran, Nick? Though I suppose it must have been the poor Americans, of course." "Red-coat run," answered the Indian, quietly. This reply produced a general sensation, even the ladies starting, and gazing at each other. "Red-coat run" repeated the captain, slowly.

Look alive, or we're all three done for!" The ill-starred Bilk needed no further invitation. He started to run as fast as his long legs would carry him, his night-gown flapping in the evening breeze, and his two persecutors following him with cries of "Booh!" "Scat!" "Shoo!" and other formulae for exorcising evil spirits.

A rude stone house stood before him, rough and unplastered; against each end of which was built a stable-and a cow-house, sloping down from the gables to low doors at booh sides; adjoining these rose two mounds of filth, large enough to be easily distinguished from the knoll on which he stood.

"Look out now!" suddenly broke in Parson, who had been gradually getting excited where he stood; "there's the Welchers coming! Pull hard, you fellows, or they'll cut us out. Now then! Row, Bosher, can't you, you old cow? Yah! hoo! Welchers ahoy!" he cried, raising his voice in tones of derisive defiance. "Yah! boo! herrings and dough-nuts, jolly cowards, daren't wait for us! Booh, funk-its!"

Rickie blushed, and Agnes, with a glance that said "apologize," darted away to the entrenchment, as though unable to restrain her curiosity. "The pony won't move," said Mrs. Failing. "Leave him for Stephen to tie up. Will you walk me to the tree in the middle? Booh! I'm tired. Give me your arm unless you're tired as well." "No. I came out partly in the hope of helping you." "How sweet of you."

And I cut his head off with one single blow, just as I would a blade of grass, before he could say 'Booh! If you should look at the bottom of the pond, you will find him tied up in a potato-sack, with a stone fastened to it. "I got an idea. I took all his clothes, from his boots to his cap, and hid them away in the little wood behind the yard." The old man stopped.

They were looked upon as simply "hangers on," or in other words, as yellow sheep-killing dogs, that if you would say "booh" at, would yelp and get under their master's heels. Mike Snyder was General George Maney's "yaller dog," and I believe here is where Joe Jefferson, in Rip Van Winkle, got the name of Rip's dog Snyder.

"Why, that's all lies, and it is very wicked to tell a lie!" Lotty flew into a perfect tantrum. "How dare you say we tell lies; I will tell my mother of you," she screamed, and threw herself on the floor crying violently. Mother rushed in, not knowing what had happened. "Lotty, get up at once; tell me what's the matter, darling!" "Booh! booh booh!

That car had also been pulled up; within it Allerdyke saw a woman, closely wrapped in furs. "What is it, Gaffney?" he asked, letting down his own window and leaning out. "Wants to know which is the best way to get across the Ouse, sir," answered Gaffney. "I tell him there's two ferries close by one at Booh, the other at Langrick but there'll be nobody to work them at this hour.

Then when he was within a few yards he started up, and with a wild shout of, "Yah booh, cad!" gave the signal to his crew to pull on, and brought his boat close alongside the skiff. The rower, startled by the sudden shout, turned quickly round. Horror of horrors! It was Mr Parrett himself! There was no time to do anything.