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"How could any thing escape me, when I have the church and the press, the court and the theatre, to keep me informed?" Such a man would have considered himself disgraced if he had not known every detail of M. de Boiscoran's private affairs.

With your assistance, M. Magloire, with the aid of Mechinet, to whom I am already indebted for very valuable information, with the aid of all our friends, in fine, I cannot help hoping that I may be able to improve my plan by adding some mysterious secret which may help to explain M. de Boiscoran's reticence.

She rose at these words, and said in a penetrating voice, "And you could believe that, you? Ah! M. de Boiscoran's other crimes are nothing in comparison with this! He is not satisfied with having burnt our house, and ruined us: he means to dishonor us. He is not satisfied with having murdered my husband: he must ruin the honor of his wife also."

He crossed the long passage; Blangin opened a door; he was in Jacques de Boiscoran's cell. "At last you are coming," exclaimed the unhappy young man, throwing himself on the lawyer's neck. "At last I see an honest face, and hold a trusty hand. Ah! I have suffered cruelly, so cruelly, that I am surprised my mind has not given way. But now you are here, you are by my side, I am safe."

Oh! he is only a vagabond, not bad at all; and he has been ordered to stand guard at the door of M. de Boiscoran's cell, and not for a moment to lose sight of it. It was M. Galpin who had that idea, because the prisoners sometimes in their first despair, a misfortune happens so easily, they become weary of life Trumence would be there to prevent it." The old lady trembled with horror.

"Unfortunately, gentlemen, it does not depend on you to acquit or condemn M. de Boiscoran. I am not here to convince you, or to be convinced: I came to discuss with M. de Boiscoran's friends our line of conduct, and the basis of or defence." And M. Magloire was evidently right in this estimate of his duty.

Had he really done harm to Jacques de Boiscoran, while he meant to help him? But he was not the man to be long in doubt. He replied in a dry tone, "I will not discuss that, gentlemen. I will ask you, only one question: 'Yes or no, do you believe in M. de Boiscoran's innocence?" "We believe in it fully," replied the two men.

But that does not matter. M. de Boiscoran's friends at first thought of making capital out of Cocoleu; but they have given that up. I am sure of that! The police-agent whom I have charged to keep his eyes on the idiot tells me that Dr. Seignebos does not trouble himself about the man any more."

Then with a shrug of his shoulders, which showed that he failed to understand, M. de Boiscoran showed his hands. They were perfectly clean and white: the long nails were carefully cleaned also. "When did you last wash your hands?" asked M. Galpin, after having examined them minutely. At this question, M. de Boiscoran's face brightened up; and, breaking out into a hearty laugh, he said,

Finally, at the outbreak of the war, Suky had told her that she was going back to England to her relations. When they left the old bachelor's house, Goudar said to the young advocate, "We have obtained but little information, and the jurymen would pay little attention to it; but there is enough of it to confirm, at least in part, M. de Boiscoran's statement.