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What would I do? I would prove the truth of M. de Boiscoran's statement. Can that be done? I hope so. He tells us that there are no proofs or witnesses of his intimacy with the Countess Claudieuse. I am sure he is mistaken. She has shown, he says, extraordinary care and prudence. That may be.

Is it my fault if the author of this crime is an old friend of mine, and if I was once upon a time on the point of marrying a relation of his? There is no one in court who doubts M. de Boiscoran's guilt; there is no one who dares blame me: and yet they are all as cold as ice towards me." "Such is the world," said M. Daubigeon with a face full of irony. "They praise virtue; but they hate it."

A terrible spasm betrayed M. de Boiscoran's fury; but he checked himself, and said, "My passion was less fiery than it may have looked. I have the most profound respect for the count's character. It is an additional grief to me that he should have accused me." "But he has not accused you!" broke in M. Daubigeon. "On the contrary, he was the first and the most eager to defend you."

"It is madness," he said, "to try to establish M. de Boiscoran's innocence without having first communicated with him." "And if you could do so to-morrow?" asked Dionysia. "Then, madam, he might give us the key to this mystery, which we are in vain trying to solve; or, at least, he might tell us the way to find it all out. But that is not to be thought of.

At that time Count Claudieuse had been shot, and Valpinson was on fire. Do we know any thing of M. de Boiscoran's temper at that time? Yes, we do. When he came this way he was quite cool. He is very much surprised at meeting Ribot; but he explains to him very fully how he happens to be at that place, and also why he has a gun.

I took him immediately to M. de Boiscoran's cell; and ever since they have been talking, talking." "Are you quite sure?" "Of course I am. Must I not know every thing that happens in my jail? I went and listened. You can hear nothing from the passage: they have shut the wicket, and the door is massive." "That is strange," murmured the old servant.