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Updated: August 8, 2024

At the sight of the bluecoat the domestic wilted and began to sob. "Ohone! Ohone! don't take me to prison!" she wailed. "You prefer to answer?" "Yis, if Oi must. But Oi think Miss Margaret the swatest little lady " "Never mind that. When did the girl and her stepmother quarrel last? Come now, tell me the plain truth," and the coroner put as much of sternness as possible in his voice.

All the houses were small and wooden, the streets poorly paved. After New York, Brooklyn looked actually poor and hard-up. He made his way into the heart of the small group, eyed by policemen and the men already there. One of the officers addressed him. "What are you looking for?" "I want to see if I can get a place." "The offices are up those steps," said the bluecoat.

I'll send the boys to the Bluecoat School or some such institution. They have turned out very good men before this." "I am sure we could expect no more from Colonel Ormonde, and when you think that I shall be entirely dependent on him for" sob "my very gowns" sob "and and little outings and" a total break down.

Captain Lawton was reluctantly listening to the reasoning of his commander, and had brought out his favorite glass, to see if no opening could be found for an advantageous attack, when he suddenly exclaimed, "How's this! a bluecoat among those scarlet gentry?

Dan drew the car up at the curb, leaped out and approached the minion of the law. A short colloquy, and he had returned and the car shot down Broadway. "You can look back now, Miss," suggested Dan. Willa turned. The motor-cycle had been halted in mid-pursuit, its rider gesticulating in futile rage and vexation while the obdurant bluecoat held him fast. "How did you do it, Dan?" Willa asked.

Recovering from their first terror, the clerks left their desks and massed forward toward the partition, but the head clerk waved them back. "Everyone remain in his place until after the police have arrived," he ordered. The office boy, who had gone to summon a policeman, now returned with the bluecoat.

"Yes, and he shaved himself here," the officer added, as he pointed to a razor, some soap, and pieces of paper on which were unmistakable evidences that the mysterious man had been acting as his own barber. "I'd like to catch him," the bluecoat went on. "I'm sure there's something crooked about him." "It looks so," agreed Larry. "Maybe Storg will get him."

"It looks like a human head lighted from within. But it's too far in the air to be at head level, unless this Union bluecoat was seven feet tall." Scotty replied with conviction. "It has to be someone carrying a light." "Can you see anyone under it?" "No, but that means nothing. The trees make a dark background.

To prevent my being known, I pulled off my blue apron, and wrapped the bundle in it, which before was made up in a piece of painted calico, and very remarkable; I also wrapped up my straw hat in it, and so put the bundle upon my head; and it was very well that I did thus, for coming through the Bluecoat Hospital, who should I meet but the wench that had given me the bundle to hold.

"Let me get at him!" called Captain Tantrella. "I know something of medicine." "Shall I call an ambulance?" asked Larry of the police officer. "I know how to do it." The bluecoat nodded, glad to have help in the emergency. Then he proceeded to keep the crowd back while the captain knelt down beside the unfortunate man. "Bad cut on the head," the commander of the Turtle murmured.

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