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An intelligent foreman, after I have evaded the attack of a formidable dog which keeps watch and ward over the premises, explains to me the mystery of the trade. I find myself in the midst of a square. On one side are a great stack of oak and many casks of old salt. The latter, I gather, is sold to be used as manure. The former is applied to the fire, which gently smokes the Yarmouth bloater.

I can make more sense out of the remarks of another correspondent who, utterly despising the things of the mind, compares a certain class of young men to "a halfpenny bloater with the roe out," and asserts that he himself "got out of the groove" by dint of having to unload ten tons of coal in three hours and a half every day during several years.

"Amen," said the Bloater, as he and Jim resumed their seats and listened to the sound of the wheels, voices, and hoofs dying away in the distance.

Hewson picked some bones out of the bloater with a dirty hand, placed the filleted morsel in his mouth, washed it down with a mouthful of tea, and then cleared his throat and began to read. Mr. Arthur seized this opportunity. "It's quite fine again now," he said in an undertone to Sally. She expressed mild surprise the lifting of her eyebrows, the casual "Really."

Try to make out wot they're up to and then " "Then wot?" "W'y, come back an' let me know. Away!" said the Bloater, waving his hand with the air of a field-marshal.

It contained a bloater: she felt it carefully as though to make sure that it had a soft roe, and then smelt it to make sure that it was good, after which she slowly wrapped it up again. "Maybe you've no home to go to," she remarked tentatively, looking away from Fan as if speaking to some imaginary person. "No, I haven't," said Fan. "You don't look a bad 'un.

Septimus took off his cap and brought his hair to its normal perpendicularity. Emmy laughed. "Dear me! What are you going to say?" Septimus reflected for a moment. "If I dine off a bloater in a soup-plate in the drawing-room, or if my bed isn't made at six o'clock in the evening, and my house is a cross between a pigsty and an ironmonger's shop, nobody minds.

I can't bear them. 'Oh, very well: if you can't cook a bloater, you're not the wife for me. And there they broke off, for good and all." "Which means for a month or two, I suppose." "Impossible to say. But I have advised her as strongly as I could not to marry until she knows her own mind better. It is too bad of her to have gone so far. The poor man had taken rooms, and all but furnished them.

The Mess perforce had to possess its soul in patience while the raconteur swiftly disposed of the bloater. "So I sniffed too, and I could smell it quite plain. We were lying stern to the wind; 'sides it wasn't decent baccy like ours, but sort of Scorp stuff, so we knew it wasn't one of our fellows smoking. Hashed mutton, please; and another cup of coffee.

"That's a very encouraging announcement for would-be contributors," Westray sneered; "they ought to come forward very strongly after that." "Well, I must get on with some copying," the organist said dryly; and Westray went back to the bloater. If Mr Sharnall was thus pitiably wanting in appreciation of a munificent offer, the rest of Cullerne made no pretence of imitating his example.