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However, a visit to a fishmonger's shop had made him acquainted with the haddock, the kipper, and likewise the humble bloater; and occasionally, I believe, when his appetite needed a stimulant he turned to the smoked fish, which seemed so novel to his palate. The cook, of course, was mightily incensed thereat.

"Don't you?" answered her grandfather gravely, "then what do you have? Something you like better, I s'pose?" He did not ask from curiosity, that was the last thing he would have been guilty of; he only wanted to show an interest and to hear her talk. "We don't have nuffin', 'cepts when father has got work, then father has a bloater. Me and mother have one too, sometimes, then.

If there ain't hoscillations on that rectangle, strike me in the night-lights!" said Corporal Bagshot, with his eye on the Bengalese. "Blyme, if the whole bloomin' parallogram don't shiver," he added; "for them Osnum Digners 'as the needle, and they're ten to one, or I'm a bloater!"

At that early stage in the fire, its little stream was more effectual than the flood from a powerful "steamer" would have been at a later period. The consequence was that the fire was got under at once, and, as we have said, the engine was not required. "Wirtoo," observed the Bloater, sententiously, "is its own reward."

After repeated and desperate efforts to overcome his difficulties, at the risk of his neck and to the detriment of his shins, the Bloater at last sat down on a doorstep within a dark passage, and feigned to tear his hair. "Now ain't it wexin'?" he whispered, appealing to his small friend. "Aggrawatin' beyond endoorance," replied Jim, with looks of sympathy.

"I say, Bloater," whispered Little Jim, "ee's got such an ugly mug that I do b'lieve ee's up to some game or other." "P'raps 'ee is," returned the Bloater, meditatively; "we'll let 'im alone an' foller 'im up."

"And entertain our friends?" "Yes, my love, with crumpets and tea." "Don't forget muffins and bloater paste, and German sausage and occasional legs of mutton, you ungrateful man!" "I don't forget 'em, Mariar. My recollection of 'em is powerful; I may even say vivid." "Well," continued the lady, "haven't you been able to lend small sums on several occasions to friends "

If you will not aid me for the sake of a poor, helpless, infatuated girl, who is on the brink of ruin " "Missis Dashwood," said the Bloater, with a look of serio-comic dignity, "I scorns bribery as much as you does. `No bribery, no c'rupt'ons, no Popery, them's my mottoes besides a few more that there's no occasion to mention. W'ether or not I gives 'im up depends on circumstances.

"Well, as to that, ma'am, you must be guided by taste. I've 'eard of men of my years an' standin' bein' styled 'obble-de-'oys. My name, likewise, is open to question. Some of my friends calls me 'Erring others of 'em, Raw 'Erring others, again, the Bloater. But I'm in no wise partikler, I did come from Miss Reading to 'ave an interview with Mrs Dashwood whom I presoom "

Arthur expressed many. "Don't see how you can say a thing's artistic if you don't like it," he declared. "I think you're quite right, Mr. Arthur," said Mrs. Hewson. "If I like a thing like that picture in one of the Christmas Annuals I always say, 'Now I call that artistic, don't I, Ern?" Her husband nodded with his mouth full of the best bloater.