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Alice G. Blayne, of Croydon, Michigan, my client, to recover a certain parcel of property situated on Mullen Lane and now occupied by you and your family, Mrs. Carringford," said the man glibly, and thrusting a paper into the woman's hand. "But I bought my home through Mr. Abel Strout, of Napsburg," gasped Mrs. Carringford. She did not recognize Jamison, the farm hand, in the transaction at all.

Any one at the Judge's, Blayne? BLAYNE. Cockley and his memsahib looking awfully white and fagged. 'Female girl couldn't catch the name on her way to the Hills, under the Cockleys' charge the Judge, and Markyn fresh from Simla disgustingly fit. CURTISS. Good Lord, how truly magnificent! Was there enough ice? When I mangled garbage there I got one whole lump nearly as big as a walnut.

She justifies the first transfer of affection to herself by swearing that it is for ever and ever. Consequently BLAYNE. Consequently, we are sitting here till past one o'clock, talking scandal like a set of Station cats. Anthony, it's all your fault. We were perfectly respectable till you came in. Go to bed. I'm off. Good-night all. CURTISS. Past one!

Blayne and the others knew something about. They sometimes began well enough but, as time went on, they forgot themselves and got into the way of being familiar and showing they realized that they paid for things and had their rights. Most of them began to be almost like husbands speak slighting and sharp and be a bit stiff about accounts even before servants.

"I'd have to say that she was the person that had the right to slap your head if you didn't do what she told you." "I'd have to say that she was the woman that could keep you slaving at kitchen maid's work fifteen hours a day," said Mrs. Blayne; "My mother was cook in a big house and trained me under her." "I never had one," said Andrews stiffly.

Any one dead? BLAYNE. No, but he'll die if you don't give the hundred. Here! Here's a peg-voucher. You can see what we've signed for, and Anthony's man will come round to-morrow to collect it. So there will be no trouble. It isn't one of your jokes, is it? BLAYNE. No, it really is wanted. Anthony, you were the biggest poker-winner last week, and you've defrauded the tax-collector too long. Sign!

Blayne as she opened an oven door to look at some rolls. "It's my belief that if I told her she was she wouldn't know what the word meant. It was me she got the name from," Andrews still laughed as she explained. "I used to tell her about the Lady Downstairs would hear if she made a noise, or I'd say I'd let her have a peep at the Lady Downstairs if she was very good.

I don't wish to encourage you with any false hopes nor to discourage you, either. I know nothing absolutely nothing regarding the legal status of this case. I have my suspicions that Abel Strout is behind it." "Oh, I am sure of that!" cried Mrs. Carringford. "Nevertheless, it may be that there is an unsatisfied claimant of the old Peter Warburton Blayne property. This Mrs.

"Not always, not always," answered the other; "a virulent case would be quite as bad as yellow fever or smallpox. You remember when we were at the hospital Miss Helmuth, that little Polish nurse, contracted it from her case and died even before her patient did. Then there was Eva Blayne. She very nearly died.

I'm so important that Government can't find a substitute if I go away. Ye-es, I'd like to be Gaddy, whoever his wife may be. CURTISS. You've passed the turn of life that Mackesy was speaking of. DOONE. Indeed I have, but I never yet had the brutality to ask a woman to share my life out here. BLAYNE. On my soul I believe you're right. I'm thinking of Mrs. Cockley. The woman's an absolute wreck.